Subject: P8, Week 2 Recap!

Hi Friend,

Happy Friday to you!

Wow is it raining here in Devens. Sheets. Giant puddles. No drought for us. We'd run around because its so heavy if it weren't also thundering and lightning.

How are you?

We have a mix of members away and members here, which is a sure sign that it's the season to recharge in all ways.

P8, Week 2 Recap

This week we had a goal of 1+1. Next week it's 2 full rounds. PR's happened right away and continued all week. 4 for 4's started off slow and finished strong. People are getting crazy cardio minute totals. Let's keep having fun moving, getting better and enjoying each other's company.

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

@ Home: 18min on M / W and 22min F

In Person: 23min @ T / Th

Upcoming Schedule

Week of:

7/24: P8, Week 3

7/31: P8, Empowerment Week

8/7: P9, Week 1

Shout Outs:

  • P8, W1 Cardio Minutes Goals:  Marisa Cimino (250), Michaela Millot (436), Julie Tishler (328), Elizabeth Dean (300), Gregor Rohda (300), Vanessa Kane-Alves (450), Carol Vaghar (314), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (200), Nishaat Vasi (320), Andra Dean (220), Jim Flynn (380) and Scott Timmins (279). As you'll see in tomorrow's email. Weekly cardio is part of living a long life by reducing All Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk. High five for making time to move!

  • P8, Completed Strength Workout Leaders Through Week 2 (4 workout minimum):  Julie Tishler (6), Diane Gomez (6), Paul Gomez (6), Carol Vaghar (6), Karna Krishna (5), Vanessa Kane-Alves (5), Mimy Wang (5), Marisa (4), Michaela (4), Susan McHale (4), and Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (4). The other part of living a long life by reducing All Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk was weekly strength training. High Five for resting enough, making time and showing up to train. #ThatFeelsGood. #KeepGoing!

  • P8, W2, 4 for 4's!:  Marisa  (2), Alfredo (2), Diane (2), Carol (2), Nishaat, Jim, Vanessa, Stephanie Bucci, Karna, Elizabeth Listerman, Mimy and Julie. It also feels good to go 4 for 4. These are behaviors. We try to make it simple enough so you can win every time, but you still have to try. Sunday's your next chance to set up your Monday. Keep going. High Five!

  • P8, Summer Schedules. Guess Who?:  (4) different members were/are on the Cape this week. (2) were in New Jersey last weekend. (1) just got back from North Carolina. (1) Drove to NYC and Back in the same 10 hours after bowling earlier in the week on a work night. (1) Just returned from India. (2) Are in VT. (1) Has endured 2 weeks+ of 110 degrees. (1) Walked 2 Hours / Day for the last 4 days. (1) Was in CA last weekend. (1) is in Guatemala right now. (1) It's 1 person's birthday today. (1) Is going to Hawaii. (2) Trained with Bears, @ 9am, 6am and 6:30pm, virtually, in person and in NH and MA all in 1 week. (2) Are expecting new babies to enter their world. (1) Just returned from RI. (1) uses the same weights I use on my light and fast days for strong days. (1) went to 6 Flags this week. (1) Went to a concert. (1) is training for PMC. (1) Had a new client presentation. (1) is on a mystery vacation. (1)'s AC isn't working so great. (1) is still MIA. (2) will have Terrapin connections. (2) returned from Greece and (1) is going. (2) played golf this week. (1) might be moving to Cambridge next summer. (1) "just retired" for the 1st time. (1) is nursing an injury and unable to train, another is nursing someone else's injury and should be training. (2) are hosting a 9th birthday party for 85 guests confirmed so far. These are the member happenings learned through training this week. Should I answer them or should you attend to find out?

I wish you a great weekend. #KeepGoing if you have momentum. #BeginAgain if you don't.

Make it count,


p.s. how many guess who's did you know?

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