Subject: P8 Overview (and no Mackenzie this week)

Hi Friend!

Happy new phase to you!

Well we hosted 2 different families over the last 2 weeks and it was great. Had an Alves cousins' game night for the 1st time since 2019 and saw some of Vanessa's friends today at Heritage Gardens & Museum in Sandwich. A very social and active 2 weeks. I hope your break was great. I look forward to hearing about it and helping you keep getting better soon.

P8 Overview

July 11 to July 30, 2022 (3 on, 1 off)

All classes virtual: 7/11 to 7/15 (week 1)

Guest Weeks: 7/11 to 7/22

Weekend Workout: 7/16, 7-8am

Return to 6:30pm, T / Th @ Mackenzie Center: week of 7/18

Empowerment Week: 7/30-8/7

Wall Walks, 1-Leg Squats on a bench, double bounces, 1-leg curls to re-bridge, split squat hold (hi PK!) halos and more. Suggested Total DB Load for P8's strong days are 25-45% BW for our multi-joint, compound movements (hip thrusts, rows, pullovers, DB complex, etc...).

It reads like many people's vacations are beginning. Yay for you. That's something fun to look forward too. Will you keep training? Sometimes it's easier to train strength more often and sometimes it's harder. Ironically I was able to go up in weights 2x this past week, so that feels good. :-) I also enjoyed a lot more fun food and drinks, so I tried to be more active to keep feeling good. I've been shooting hoops, swimming and riding my bike more in addition to my strength workouts. It reads like a lot, but when you have a lot more time due to vacation, it doesn't feel like it. The long walks had been difficult with hosting littles, but I think they'll get back on track this week.

1-Leg Squats on a Bench. I cut the reps down to 4 each for week 1 (+1/wk) to help you get 2 rounds in 5 minutes. I believe you can do more than 4 reps for whatever level you're doing, but the balance required can use up a lot of time, so I'm aiming for skill acquisition and playing the long game, which means to me that if you build up proficiency over time you'll get faster (1 step back, 2 steps forward). If you're not doing 1-leg squats standing on a bench, and you're doing split squats / rear foot elevated split squats you need to use heavier weights to make progress. If you're doing 1-leg squats to a bench, you'll need heavier weights in your hand and/or to do more reps (start with 6-8 reps each) so you get stronger. This is an intensity phase, which means we're increasing weights and/or skill levels.

P8 Zoom Links

6:00am, M / W / F

Meeting ID: 908 612 251

Passcode: 4for4

9:00am, M / W / F

Meeting ID: 364 600 271

Passcode: 4for4

6:30pm, M / T / Th

Meeting ID: 271 737 590

Passcode: 4for4

P8 Zoom Folder

extra's pdf

virtual pdf

Saturday Stretch recordings

P8 Warm Up & Cool Down

P8, Workout A - Extra

P8, Workout B - Extra

P8, Workout A - Virtual

P8, Workout B - Virtual

Workout Schedule

Mackenzie Center

The MC gym is looking great. The contractors needed 1 more week to paint the lines and install the wall padding (either the new if they've arrived or the old one's until the new one's arrive). This means we will be virtual the week of 7/11/22 for all classes.

We return to 6:30pm, T / Th in person training the week of 7/18/22.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience. I know it's not ideal and not your favorite. If you can make lemonade and find a way to get your workouts in anyways, you'll be glad you did, you'll still have fun and you'll feel great afterwards and maybe even during.

Nutrition Habits

New phase, new habits (or old one or same one). Tomorrow when I ask you if you practiced your nutrition habit, answer the question to the habit you had for phase 7. And think about what your habit will be for phase 8, in case I ask you.

Cardio Minutes and Strength Workouts - Week 3 & Empowerment Week

What'd you get for minute the last 2 weeks (23min / workout)?

How many strength workouts did you do last week?

See you soon.

Coach Mike

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