Subject: P8 Challenge Workouts!

Hi Friend!

Happy August to you!

I hope you're loving the great weather and recharging your battery for the 2nd half of the year.

Challenge Workouts

pdf: P8, CW
video: P8, CW #2
video: P8, CW #3
video: P8, CW #4

1st things 1st.  Schedule your workouts.  Then remember to do the warm ups & cool downs (work + rest = success).  Skip the "rest" (warm ups, cool downs, stretching, sleep, nutrition and recovery) and risk decreased performance, nagging aches and injury.  The warm ups take about 15min.  The cool down stretch is 5min.  Each workout is progressively longer (22, 25 and 35min respectivley) as you build momentum.  We have 2 guests performers this phase.  Marisa does CW#2 and Helen does CW#3.  Once you crush the workout, while you're feeling amazing, post your results to our FB page.  It inspires your peers, earns you recognition and provides closure for your efforts. 

Empowerment Week Plan
Summer provides a great opportunity to practice EWP's and leap frog forward in your health, body transformation and performance goals.  Did you ever use the summer to make money to pay for and spend during your semesters at college?  Did you ever use the summer to get in your best shape for college or for entering the work force?  Did you ever use summer to prepare yourself for something?  Don't pull the Disney, "I need a vacation from my vacation"?  Use the down time, low stress time to enter the fall better than you entered the summer.  Eat better, sleep more, train more, have fun more, reconnect with yourself, your goals and your people.  Strengthen your relationships.  Don't waste your time on things that don't make you better or on things with a cost.  Sure ice cream, popsicles, cocktails, etc...are fun and I have them too, but not everyday and not all the time.  Most anything that has a cost the next day like a hangover from food or alcohol and low energy from staying up too late simply aren't worth it on a routine basis except for the special occasions like a one-off event or an experience that's going to energize you the next day despite the cost.  I think that's a key.  Anything that doesn't energize your through the cost of your actions the next day, isn't really worth it in my book, though it's a lot easier said than practiced, however sometimes experiences provide so much energy & excitement that you can ride it through the recovery process from the costs of your actions and be o.k.  Look for those.  Those are gold, but don't use them too often. 

Think short term (what's the cost of this tomorrow) and long term (will my old self sitting in a rocking chair regret not doing this).   Then sometimes hedge your actions by doing less (if you're going to splurge, sometimes you don't have to go crazy & consume until your full; you can take power naps before late nights like you did in your 20's, set boundaries with yourself and people, introduce family walks, games, activities and burn & earn, b/c it's fun and smart.  That's what winners do!  You're a winner, so you mine as well do what winners do, not what everybody else does.)

Here's the EWP again.  Make this a part of your lifestyle. 

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      21                18                20                59

9:00am      21                18                23                62
6:30pm      21                18                19                58
What are you cardio min goals (wt. loss, wt. maintenance or performance)?

1.  Are you on the weight loss plan? 
  • How's it going? 
  • Are you losing weight?
  • Do you need to eat less, move more, eat differently, do BC more....? 
  • Are you having fun?
2.  Are you / were you on the weight maintenance plan? 
  • How's it going?
  • Are still progressing (wt. maintenance and decreasing body fat) doing minimal effort?
  • Have you gained weight, body fat and gotten a bit soft (is it time to up the effort)? 
  • Are you having fun?
3.  Are you on the performance, muscle building & weight gain plan? 
  • How's it going? 
  • Are you getting leaner?
  • Are you maintaining and/or gaining body weight (mostly lean mass)?
  • Are you improving performance (faster, stronger & setting PR's)? 
  • Are you having fun?
  • Did you get your power blocks yet?
Now is your opportunity to make a change.  Get better and do the leap frog while life stress is low.  Take advantage.  Capture it.  Figure out what it takes to earn the health, body and performance lifestyle you desire.  Pay the price to get it, then just practice maintaining it w/ occasional bumps in effort.  People with six pack abs don't go crazy with effort once they have them, in fact they do minimal things to keep them, but avoid old habits that'll lose them. 

I wish you the best.  I look forward to high fiving you each time you complete a habit, introduce a new habit, eliminate a bad habit and set a PR. 

Your #1 fan and coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  Guest Day is 8/11 and 8/12.

p.p.s.  here's the EWP.

p.p.p.s.  please reply with your cardio minutes.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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