Subject: P8, Cardio Minutes, 6:30p Reschedule, Guest Month and Family BC

Hi [first name]!

Happy Labor Day Weekend for you! I’m reading from your peers that they’re ready for next week, ready to turn the page and ready to get back on track. Does this read like you too?

Today the V’s and I took my parents out to this little Mexican Restaurant in Boston called Tenoch, that was voted Best of Boston in 2016. My dad loves Mexican and my parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary so we asked if we could take them out. It was a hit, but maybe too much walking to get there.

Afterwards we hit the splash pad for Vivi and her cousin to play in and then the Boston Public Market and the Farmer’s Market in Haymarket Square. You would not believe the prices. $1 pints of Organic Blueberries and $1 Quarts of Organic Strawberries to name two. My head was on a swivel when I saw the prices and my brain was confused doing the math over and over again. I had to ask Vanessa and my parents, “these are ridiculous prices for Organic aren’t they”? I even asked the guys working, “why are these prices so low?”. They shook their heads as if to say they don’t know. I’m guessing they bought so much volume that they don’t want to bring it back to wherever their refrigeration unit must be so they charge a small profit per unit and hope to make it back on the volume of sales. Either way, I highly recommend checking it out and the Boston Public Market for a fun, outdoor city excursion.

Note: The Farmer’s Market is only there on Fridays and Saturdays.

Cardio Minutes – Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      14               14               15                43
9:00am      14               14               15                43
6:30pm      14               14               15                43

Cardio Minutes – Week 2
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am     15                15               15                45
9:00am     15                15               15                45
6:30pm     15                15               15                45

Cardio Minutes – Week 3
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      17               17               18                52
9:00am      17               17               18                52
6:30pm      17               17               18                52

P8, Challenges Workouts
Here’s the P9, CW’s for your convenience again. They’re fast, fun and you’ll be glad you did it.

pdf: CW’s
video: CW#2
video: CW#3
video: CW#4

6:30pm, Rescheduled
6:30pm, Tues, Sept 7 @ MC is moved to 6:30pm, Wed Sept 8 @ MC.
The Newton Montessori School is hosting a Welcome Event and will be using the gym. This means there will be no BC’s on Tuesday and 3 on Wednesday.

Here is the week 1 schedule again:
6:00am, M / W / F @ BG
9:00am, M / W / F @ MC
6:30pm, M / W / Th @ MC

Guest Month
Are you the fittest person in your circle? If you aren’t, lucky you; you’ve got a lot of fit people (who are hopefully) helping to raise your bar and you theirs. If you are, you’ve got some building to do. Invite, ask and encourage are 3 great ways you can help build the health of your support circle. Invite them to workout out with you. It could be a bike ride, a walk, a Stadium Run, a challenge workout or a guest day. Ask how their self-care is going or what are they doing to stay in / get in shape? Encourage them and make them feel good about what they’re doing. The better they’re doing the more enthusiastic you are. The worse their doing the more empathy you use. Let me help you build up your support circle. Invite your friends to guest day and leverage me, the program and the community to help you both make a memory and build momentum for the fall.

Family Boot Camp
Maeve’s Brigade, Family BC
7:30-8:30a, Sat, Sept 10 @ MC
50min of coached, cardio and core to jump start your Saturday, support a great cause and person and experience a fun workout through the eyes of kids ages 6 and up.
Sign Up Now.  There are only 50 spots.

It’s almost time to turn the page. What you did in the past counts for experience, but whatever you’re bringing to the table next week is where you’re starting from. Do what you can between now and then to get both your body, mind and spirit ready to make health deposits, body changes and performance enhancements for the fall. You’ll be glad you did.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s. what did you do for cardio minutes in wk1, 2 & 3?

p.p.s. Here’s the guest link again.

p.p.p.s. Here’s the family boot camp link.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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