Subject: P7, W1 Recap

Hi Friend,

Happy Friday to you! How'd your week go? Mine was certainly up & down. Down obviously b/c my Pepé passed and b/c Vivi was home sick all week except today. Up b/c my family suggested I write the obituary, so my mom asked and I said, "of course" and b/c basketball was fun and I had an awesome workout A#2 today. So you know. Normal ups and downs of life. So. How'd your week go?

Q3, P7 - Week 1 Recap

Good start to the 1st week of the quarter and phase me thinks? What did you think of the foam roller, stretching & DB Complex audits, in which I did the exercises with you so you could watch & remember what the routines looked like? Next week, what I'd like to do is not really tell any stories during the rolling, stretching and DB Complex and simply focus on your technique and then check in after. As always, I welcome your feedback on this thought of mine and the programming, coaching or CYBBC in general.


I think I nailed the timing of the feedback, by asking after the DB complex b/c I got a lot of it from all 3 class times, even the 6am. Josh had a real good one about the Tall Kneeling Rockbacks, in which he thought it took too long and messed with the flow of the circuit and I think he's right. We changed the reps from 10 to 8. Also, when I changed today, I wondered about maybe trying 6 (+2), which means week 1 do 6 reps, week 2 do 8 reps and week 3 do 10 reps, ... We'll see how it plays out. Again if you have feedback, you can reply to this email, text, call, ask me before or after bc or even send me an email at a random time when a comment surfaces in your brain. :-)

End of Quarter vs. Beginning of Quarter

What a contrast from last week's end of quarter, end of phase record week, where you did a tremendous amount of work and this week you watched a lot and did at least 1 round of everything.

Next Week's Schedule

6:00am, M / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M / Th @ MC

*No T / W training

**No 6:30pm @ Virtual Workout

Workout Schedule

a.m.: B / A (Monday / Friday)

p.m.: A / B (Monday / Thursday)

This means if you want to get 3 workouts in you could:

  1. use the recordings

  2. train Monday - a.m. (B), Monday - p.m. (A), Thursday - p.m. (B)

  3. train Monday - p.m. (A), Thursday - p.m. (B), Friday - a.m. (A)

  4. train Monday - a.m. (B), Monday - p.m. (A), Friday - a.m. (A)

Cardio Minutes - Week 1

22min on M, T & Th. 18min on W / F; the beach finisher and core finisher don't get you cardio minutes, but the leg finisher does.

Shout Outs

  • Happy 40th Birthday Alfredo G-O!

  • Happy Traveling to: Lucy B (Peru), Amita V (India), Stephanie B (Philly), Mimy W (Canada), Diane & Paul G (just returned from Ecuador) and Jim F (Italy).

  • Liz D for being asked to play Attacking Midfielder (Lionel Messi's position). This is an outstanding compliment. In 1 year Liz has gone from playing fullback to outside midfield to attacking midfield. She played in an over 20, co-ed futsol pick up group over the winter with Carol V's husband's group; then on an over 18 women's soccer team in the spring and now on a 55+ women's soccer team that travels across the country for state tournaments. Well done Liz. Keep going!

  • To Joseph K for casually dropping, "I'm about to fix a femur" in a text conversation. Wow!

  • Karna for being rested today. That's refreshing to hear and see. High Five! :-)

  • Sue M for the new white kicks! :-) Those are fun!

  • Welcome Carol V to the stretch and sprint crew as well as almost regulars Jim F and daughter Hannah (guest), Julie T, Paul & Diane G!

  • P6, W4, Cardio Minutes High Fives!  Marisa C (280), Joshua G (180), Peter K (246), Michaela M (385), Julie T (282), William S (186), Elizabeth D (250), Sarah P (300), Lisa L (426), Carol V (3210, Alfredo G-O (180), Lucy B (402), Jim F (354) and Lisa S (280).

  • P6, Top 9 Total Workouts!  Julie T (10), Carol V (10), Karna K (9), Madeline M (9), Liz D (9), Erin S (8), Josh G (8), Stephanie B (8) and Amita V (8). You can't make change happen if you don't show up! They showed up the most.

  • P7, Workout Leaders, through Week 1!  Karna Krishna, Julie T, Elizabeth D, Diane G, Paul G, Carol V and Erin S. Good start. There are 8 live workouts / class time this phase or 24 total workout slots. Can you continue finding a way to prioritize your health? Can anyone else catch up in week 2 and 3?

  • P7, Wk1 4 for 4's:  Carol V (3), Michaela M (2), Marisa C (2), Alfredo G-O (2), Susan M (2), Vanessa K-A, Erin S, William S, Julie T, Liz D, Gregor R, Karna K and Peter K!

  • P7, Recording Workout Leaders:  Who did recordings in week 1? Send me a selfie at the end w/ the recording in the background!


Happy Weekend. #KeepGoing! #Make it Count!


p.s. cardio minutes are due Monday. we did 22, 18 & 18!

p.p.s. next week's schedule is M / Th / F. Please plan accordingly.

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