Subject: P6 Overview (Please print workout cards!)

Hi Friend,

Peaceful evening rain to you!

Phase 6 Overview

We all have a mutual appreciation for movement. Nobody wants to feel weak. Everyone wants to feel strong and confident in their body and with their movements. This is the last phase of our 2nd quarter. The last phases are often are most fun phases because you're most familiar with the movements, which means you won't have to think too much and you can focus on getting better and putting in the work.

DB Load will be as high as 30-50% BW for some exercises. Whatever load you choose, choose something a little heavier (3-5 lbs / hand) or do a higher level, so long as you feel safe and your form is great. We'll continue with the strong days (white column days) and light and fast days (gray column days). It may feel even more pronounced this phase and I encourage you to make it so. Strong days focus on getting stronger. Light & phase days focus on moving fast and making it feel easy. Strong days I want you to feel invigorated. Fast days I want you to recover, feel energized and feel like you could have done more.

P6 dates are May 17 to June 5 (3 weeks).  At the end of the phase continue training another 3 weeks, right into Q3's, phase 7 taking us up to 4th of July (if you count the empowerment week).

This is a peaking phase.  It'll help to peak you for MD Weekend, beach season #1 and summer sports.

There will be no classes on the Friday (5/28) or Monday (5/31) of Memorial Day Weekend.

Guest Days.  If you know someone who'd love what we do please either email introduce them or send the VIG (Very Important Guest) link to them. The next 2 weeks are guest weeks (5/17 to 5/27).

P6 DropBox Folder

P6, Zoom Recordings

P6, Workout Card-Virtual (pdf)

P6, Workout Card-extra (pdf)

Please print out the workout you'll be using to follow along and record.

Saturday Stretch Recording

P6 Warm Up

P6 Workout A - Virtual

P6 Workout B - Virtual

P6 Workout A - Extra

  • Medicine Balls

  • Hurdles

  • Partner Nordic Hip Curls

  • TRX Inverted Rows

  • Running

P6 Workout B - Extra

  • Medicine Balls

  • Pull Ups

  • Running

Nutrition Habits

How's this going for you?

What do you want to practice this phase?

You can choose from the list or something you've been thinking about.

Whatever you choose, make sure you have a 9 out of 10 confidence level with 10 being supreme that you can do it at least 1 meal (or 2 or 3 or all meals) because I'll ask you.

Rest up and see you soon for a Strong Monday.

Coach Mike

p.s. here's the virtual or extra equipment workout card.

p.p.s. if you know someone who'd love what we do invite them to train with us.

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