Subject: P6 Challenge Workouts, Wk3 Cardio Minutes & Harvard Stadium Run

Hi Friend, 

Happy Holiday week, happy Ozone Warning day and happy Portugal win to you.  The Alves family had a great staycation, visiting local outdoor sites and enjoying "quiet" family time, especially at night when our neighbors set off fireworks each night (sarcasm).  Have you ever heard of an Ozone Warning?  I haven't and it's really a crazy and a weird thing to me.   It sounds like a club, a defense, a section of town or something Irish.  If we get ozone warnings, what do other cities get that actually have smog?   Portugal won 2-0.  It was an awesome win, however I'm embarrassed to admit I thought the game was tomorrow, so I missed it.  Oops.  The final is Sunday at 3pm vs. Germany or France, so you can probably guess what I'll be doing.   

Here are your challenge workouts.  I hope you've been resourceful finding creative ways to Burn & Earn and create or continue new health promoting traditions over your holiday stretch.  These CW's are excellent as always.  Do the 1st one and go from there.  You'll be glad you did.  

P6, Challenge Workouts
pdf: CW's

video: CW#1 (max sets in 20min; G=42)
video: CW#2 (7rds AFAP; G=<30min)
video: CW#3 (7 courses + 2rd DB Complex AFAP; G=<35min)

You can do 2 workouts back to back.  Either #1&2 or #2&3, but not #1&3 as they're mostly the same exercises.  You could even do #1&2 or #2&3 in the same day or back to back.  Enjoy.  Like, Comment, Subscribe & Share so I know how it goes for you.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1           Day 2           Day 3           Total
6:00am      20                20                 20                60
9:00am      20                20                 20                60
6:30pm      20                20                 20                60
Please reply with your minutes for week 3.

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s. How was your holiday?

p.p.s.  Schedule and do your 1st CW.  You'll be glad you did.  

p.p.p.s.  What did you do for cardio minutes?  Please reply now.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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