Subject: P5, Workout Card & Exercise Library

Hi Friend, Happy P5 Eve!

Attached are your P5 workout card and exercise library.  It's going to be an awesome phase, but if I want to record 7 hours of sleep on my workout card, I'm going to keep this very brief.

Here are 2 pictures of a pre-filled workout card completed by me (note:  I've only done 1 workout for A and 1 for B, but I filled in extras to show you how it might go).

The workout card is simpler, cleaner and hopefully easier to read.  Please look at how I filled out the workouts so you can see.  I already notice my 1st mistake.  I didn't write my name on both sides.  1st person to remind me at BC, I'll do 5 push ups for forgetting.  :-)

Cheers and see you tomorrow.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s. Are you away this week?  Please let me know.

p.p.s.  FYI, tomorrow is marathon Monday.  6am & 6:30pm commutes should be fine.  9am, might require Rt30, Rt128 and/or Rt9 to get to the MC.

p.p.p.s.  What are your W3 & EW cardio minutes?  How many CW's did you do last week?