Subject: P4 Challenge Workouts & Cardio Minutes!

Hi Friend!

Happy Holiday weekend to you!  Any big plans in addition to getting better through training?  Patriots Day is an anniversary in our household when I proposed to Vanessa many moons ago.  So fun.  I think I'll ask her to marry me again.  

Your P4 Experience?
How are you feeling compared to 3 weeks ago?
What was it like doing the stretching 1st?
What was this phase like for you?
I'd love to know about your experience.  You can tell me in the survey or we can schedule a call and talk about it.  

Challenge Workouts
pdf:  P4, CW's

video:  CW#2 (max SETS in 19min; G=25)
video:  CW#3 (max REPS in 19min; G=187)
video:  CW#4 (7 courses AFAP; G=<40min)

Here's the empowerment week plan if you need a refresher.  Remember if you do no strength training, then males have to do 250min and females 360min of cardio regardless of your goal (weight loss, wt maintenance / fat loss and/or performance / muscle building / weight gain).  I

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      23               23                23               69
9:00am      23               23                23               69
6:30pm      23               23                23               69

Minutes are due Monday!  The universe rewards the early.  Be proactive!

Spring is here.  We're getting beach ready and we have a 6 week stretch to help us peak for summer.  Training is fun, it's energizing and helps you to be your best and it feels awesome to look and perform great, especially during the summer months, when we where less clothing.  You have lots of time.  Keep practicing daily your nutrition habits, pick an event to peak for or make up an imaginary deadline and then get yourself ready.  You know enough tricks already to present your best self.  Use them and then we can celebrate making change happen together!

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  minutes are due Monday!

p.p.s.  phase 5, starts Monday, April 24.

p.p.s.  Fill you workout card with the actual workouts or the challenge workouts and then, bring it in so I can honor your efforts.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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