Subject: P3 Challenge Workouts & Cardio Minutes!

Happy Spring to you, Friend!

I hope you had a great weekend.  I certainly did and you probably know why.  Go figure, the 1 year, I don't talk about how excited I am for my birthday (b/c I wasn't sure how I felt turning 40) and you knew all along.   You knew and you didn't even tell me.  You knew!!!  :-)

Thank you for keeping it a secret and thank you for coordinating with Vanessa. Thank you to everyone who was able to come, Sean, Mich, Stephanie, Marisa, Ernie, Liz, Pete, Laura, Ben, Linda, Marc, Josh, Kim, Helen, Melinda, Chris, Ella, Jacob, Marc, Julie and Madeline.  Thank you to Helen and Pete for planning it and thank you Pete for taking action on a thought you conceived.  I felt it.  It's hard sometimes to tell how you're doing in the CYBBC group model vs personal training and team sports.  

In team sports, you win or lose, your athletes improve their stats or not, they play or sit, they get injured or not and they recover from injury faster or slower.  

In personal training, you can tell how much you're impacting by the depth of the relationships, the results, the retention over years and the myriad of special things that happen that are unique and unexpected and too many and maybe too private to mention.  

In CYBBC it's both group and personal and I can tell I'm making a difference for certain by retention and the number of years I get to work with people.  I can also tell how much I'm impacting your life through attendance, results, surveys, measurements, weigh ins, testing, referrals, testimonials and successes shared, but it is a little harder because its a group and not 1-on-1, so I do what I've always done and do what Vanessa tells me to keep doing because it's worked in the past and that's to put my heart into it because you'll feel it.  And now, I know for certain I am impacting lives because who does that?  Who do you know whose clients or customers throw them a surprise birthday party, on a milestone birthday, on the actual birthday, that happens to be on a Saturday night, the best night to celebrate a birthday?  I can't think of anyone or anytime in my 40's years of existence that this has happened in my world.  I'm sure it happens all the time, all over the world, but it's definitely not common.  I can't believe it.  I told my family at the Taco party on Sunday and most of them got it instantly.  "Mike, you must have made a real impact for them to do that!".  Right!!!  Wow!  I'm floored.  We all have a little person inside of us, that small, young, innocent person from our youth, who's still pure and hopeful, and my little person is crying with joy because he can't believe it.  I feel appreciated, recognized and loved.  Thank you.  Thank you for hitting me on the head with a most powerful statement that I'm making an impact.  I may not be making an impact for you all the time, but I now know for certain that I'm doing something right and I want to do more of it, more often and more consistently for YOU because it feels so good.  Thank you.  I can't believe you knew all along and you got the big night, the actual 40th birthday on a Saturday night, night.  Wow.  Big Bear Hugs.

O.K.  Moving forward.  

Your challenge workouts and cardio minutes for last week are below.  Here's something you may not have realized because I didn't fully realize it until a couple of days ago.  Challenge Workouts are a bit unnecessary now because of the workout cards.  Challenge Workouts started in 2010, when we didn't have workout cards.  Workout cards were introduced in Q2 of 2015.  Since we spend 3 weeks learning a program and you spend 3 weeks using the cards and for the majority of you recording your results on the cards, you don't really need challenge workouts anymore because, you just need to look at the card and do the workouts.  You already know everything.  Now I do recognize you've never read the warm ups on paper before seeing them on the challenge workouts and I do recognize you've never done the warm ups without being led by me or Marisa, but you know the roller routine and you know the cool downs because they're the same every phase, so the only real big challenges I see are substituting exercises that are CYBBC dependent (MB's, pull ups, TRX, band relays, ...) with movements that are do anywhere friendly and supporting the members who still want to be led.  

What does this mean?  The most important thing for your success is to exercise at the same time every week, regardless of whether it's an empowerment week or not.  Fill your workout card b/c if you train 1x/wk and get 4 workouts filled or 2x/wk and get 8 workouts filled or 3x/wk and get 12 workouts filled, you're going to build momentum, feel real good about yourself and begin to experience success in a lot of ways, and this will feel amazing and be life changing.  I'll continue to provide videos of the warm ups and challenge workouts to support members that need a follow along format, though the challenge workouts may get modified as time goes on in favor of the workout cards.  Always record your CW's on your workout card, so you can fill up your workout cards and earn a sense of achievement.  And like, comment on, subscribe and share those videos.  It gets me excited and that's good for everyone.  :-)

Challenge Workouts
pdf:  P3, CW's

video:  CW#2 (max reps in 21min; G=290)
video:  CW#3 (7 rounds AFAP; G=30min)
video:  CW#4 (7 courses AFAP; G=<40min)

Here's the empowerment week plan if you need a refresher.  Remember if you do no strength training, then males have to do 250min and females 360min of cardio regardless of your goal (weight loss, wt maintenance / fat loss and/or performance / muscle building / weight gain).  I

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      21               21                20               62
9:00am      21               21                20               62
6:30pm      21               21                20               62

Please reply with your w3 cardio minutes now!

Spring is here.  Time to get beach ready and Q2 has a 6 week stretch (p5+p6) and maybe a bonus 7th week, which could make it a 10 week STRAIGHT stretch, which means lots of compounding hotness to peak you for beach season, summer bbq's and summer sports.  

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  what'd you do for cardio minutes?

p.p.s.  phase 4, starts Monday with testing.  If you want your past results, email me.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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