Happy Monday Friend!
I am so pumped up. I had a great weekend. Got lots of good rest and family time. Grocery shopped, meal prepped, calendar planning, lots of playing & wrestling with my V's, watched "3" movies, got a burn & earn workout in, did some park cardio with Vivi and feel real strong today. Yay! However, when I tallied up my cardio minutes I was 35 short of my goal (grrrr!), so just like I tell you, this week is a fresh start. Schedule your minutes, workouts and meals. Then get it done!
Cardio Minutes - Week 2 Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total 6:00am 13 15 15 43 9:00am 15 15 14 44 6:30pm 15 15 15 45 Please reply now if you haven't already reported them!
Coaching Is the coaching, specifically the words, stories and images I'm verbally painting for you, working? Do you like it, not like it? Is it helpful? I get on a roll talking and words keep coming out. I'm feeling good as you can probably tell, so I'm sharing my thoughts and trying to present them to you, based on your goals, life stage, etc...Is it working or not? How can I be your best case coach?
Your coach,
Mike Alves
p.s. what did you do for cardio minutes last week?
p.p.s. Is the coaching working for you?
p.p.p.s. RSVP for P3, PM & ND goes out, 1pm on Thurs! |