Subject: P13 Overview: Warm Up, Workout Cards, Schedule, Nutrition Habits & More!

Hi Friend!

Happy Sunday to you!

The Alves Family had our interior painted the last few days, so we spent the day, reassembling our house and cleaning up. We did however get out for a really cool scavenger hunt the parents of Vivi's classmates put together. The kids (1st grade) have been reading Mercy (a curious pig) and Nate the Great (a detective), so they combined themes from both books, wrote a poem and sent the families on the hunt to a cool landmark to discover the treasure. We found the "X", but the treasure had already been collected. Very fun!

Phase 13 Overview

O.K. We finished P12's strength phase and now it's time for P13's Anaerobic Endurance, Peaking, Power Endurance & Unloading Phase. Anaerobic means without oxygen.

Peaking means peaking you for Holiday Hotness (great for photos and for clothes as well as energy to go all day long), peaking you for end of the year work & life performance (energy for all day long) and peaking you for winter sports (most injuries in winter sports happen because athletes are de-conditioned; if you show up to train, you'll at least be in shape and ready for your sport; you may be de-conditioned in the actual sport, but not physically out of shape).

Power Endurance the way I'm writing your program and intending for you is the ability to perform powerful or explosive exercises repeatedly or with insufficient recovery.

Unloading means we decrease the volume (total work completed) and intensity (have heavy the loads are or how challenging the exercise skill level is) to allow an accumulation of energy. You may or may not notice it. You may because of the pandemic and for many of you getting to be home more, therefore burning the candle less at both ends, but if it was a normal holiday season, you'd mostly notice you can burn the candle at both ends and still show up to train because the workouts are more giving you energy than taking it away. You will definitely notice the lighter weights and faster pace.

When life stress goes, up, training stress goes down.  

  • We're going to decrease the DB Load and simplify some of the exercises.

  • We'll be training fast using High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) circuit workouts.

  • We've increased the conditioning to 6min from 3.5min,

  • decreased the time of the 2 core circuits (A1/A2 and B1/B2) because it'll now be optional to stick the landings or use double bounce landings, freeing up more time.

  • The DB Complex will be much lighter w/ greater time under tension (from 75sec to 100sec) and increased reps (from 3 and 6 each to 4 and 8 each).

We'll build up to 2 rounds of strength training.  

  • There will be 20 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds to rotate to the next exercise.

  • There will be 2 circuits.

  • In each circuit there will be 2 exercises.

  • One exercise will be a left right exercise in which you do the left side first, then the right side and then go to the second exercises.

  • The best exercise level for you in most cases is the one you can do 8-12 reps in 20 seconds.

The conditioning has

  • increased from 3.5 minutes to 6 minutes.

  • I've rotated the days and the plank exercises that pair with the plyometric (jumping) exercises to keep it fresh and interesting.

  • The 6 minutes is almost double, so pace yourself as you build up your conditioning and use the rounds goals on your workout cards.

Weekly Loading Schedule

We'll also unload you by having 2 teaching weeks followed by 2 record weeks.

The first teaching week,

  • we'll do half time on the core circuits (1.25min vs. 2.5min).

  • 2 rounds of the DB Complex

  • 1 round of the Strength Circuits

  • full time (6min) on the conditioning

The 2nd teaching week,

  • we'll do 3/4 time on the core circuits (~2min vs. 2.5min)

  • 2 rounds of DB Complex

  • 1-2 rounds of the Strength Circuits

  • full time (6min) on the conditioning

The 3rd week (record week #1),

  • full time on core circuits (2.5min)

  • 2 rounds of DB Complex

  • 2 rounds of Strength Circuits

  • 6min of conditioning

  • goal is max rounds and max reps

  • you can finish after the bell if you started the set before the bell to get a Personal Record

The 4th week (record week #2),

  • full time on core circuits (2.5min)

  • 2 rounds of DB Complex

  • 2 rounds of Strength Circuits

  • 6min of conditioning

  • goal is max rounds and max reps

  • goal is to match what you did the week before, but finish before the bell

  • or to start a new set before the bell and finish after the bell.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1: 11/23-11/29

  • M / T / W regular training schedule, no formal classes on Thanksgiving or Black Friday

  • 6am, M / W

  • 9am, M / W

  • 6:30pm, M / T*Gym

  • a.m. workouts: ABA; p.m. workouts: BA

  • Guest Week #1: email introduce or invite here.

  • Virtual Thanksgiving Family Workout 8:30-10am, Thursday, November 26.

  • All are invited that can do what we do (need mat, towel, water, bench/chair & wall).

  • Please submit registration packet by 11:59pm, Wednesday.

Week 2: 11/30-12/6

  • regular schedule

  • 6:00am, M / W / F, 9:00am, M / W / F, 6:30pm, M / T* / Th

  • *6:30pm, Tuesdays @ the Mackenzie Center

  • a.m. workouts: BAB, p.m. workouts: BBA

Week 3: 12/7-12/13

  • regular schedule

  • 6:00am, M / W / F, 9:00am, M / W / F, 6:30pm, M / T* / Th

  • *6:30pm, Tuesdays @ the Mackenzie Center

  • a.m. workouts: ABA, p.m. workouts: AAB

Week 4: 12/14-12/19

  • regular schedule

  • 6:00am, M / W / F, 9:00am, M / W / F, 6:30pm, M / T* / Th

  • *6:30pm, Tuesdays @ the Mackenzie Center

  • a.m. workouts: BAB, p.m. workouts: BBA

  • 7:30-9a, Saturday Stretch (Last of Year)

Year End Break: 12/20/20-1/3/21

Have you been inconsistent?

9 Ways You Can Easily Drop Back In

  1. Teaching Week: you watch, while I teach the why's & demo the how's.

  2. Unloading Week: we do half the work time and aim for 1 set of most every exercise.

  3. Choose your weights: you always get to choose the right wts. for you; DB Loads are a guideline.

  4. 3 Levels: most every exercise has a beginner, intermediate and advance, and variations on those as well, so you get to choose the best exercise for where you are that day. Plus, if something doesn't feel right, I'll help you come up with a modification.

  5. Timed Sets: the whole workout is set to time, so you can go at your own pace. Feel out of shape. Go slower. Feel strong. Do more.

  6. Long & thorough warm up: the program is designed, assuming worst case scenarios (that you feel crappy and tight) and prepares you for best case efforts.

  7. Energizing music: I play upbeat dance style music to help you feel upbeat, loose and encouraged to move.

  8. Caring coach: I ask you how you feel and about your daily habits, so I know what your bringing to the workout so I can calibrate my coaching for you.

  9. Awesome people: we've got best case people. No tire kickers, complainers or whiners. Only people who want to be here, be a part of a group, share & support and get better. They look forward to seeing you and miss you when you're away.

Q4 Overview Reminder:

  • 3 phases

  • 12 weeks straight w/ only holidays off

  • 4 week phases

  • 2 record weeks per phase

  • Holiday Hotness and Winter Sports Ready

  • Hypertrophy -> Strength -> Power Endurance

  • DB Loads of 25-45% BW -> 35-55% BW -> 20-40% BW

7 Ways You Can Get Leaner & Faster This Phase

  1. Nutrition. Participate in the memories AND eat & drink foods that make you feel good. Eating leafy greens and drinking more water helps to flush bloating. Eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains help you to have more regular bathroom trips because of the fiber. Choose healthy fats and lean proteins as often as available knowing that you might not have those options at other times.

  2. Sleep.  I can't predict if holidays will be the same as years past for you, but if you end up burning the candle at both ends for some reason, give yourself permission to sleep in and nap, whenever possible. Look to hit weekly sleep goals or maybe even a monthly sleep goal, so you have more time to play catch up.

  3. Play a lot. Make it Social.  Find a way to move and make it social. Do Dance Church with your people. Have dance parties, play charades, do karaoke. Meet up for hikes, stadium runs, walks, winter sports or shoveling if it happens. Shovel with friends. Living in the city, snow shoveling is very bonding. Play tag. Go to a playground. Set a timer and move for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60min. Make up your own obstacle course and do what's there. Just move and invite your people to do it with you.

  4. Lighter weights. Go lighter and move the weights faster and try to hit the rep goals (8-12 reps) per set. If you have difficulty keeping weight on, go heavier with your weights. Otherwise, go lighter this phase.

  5. Faster reps.  Use the BEST FORM you can AND move the weights as fast as you can. Again, aim for 8-12 reps on most every strength exercise. This is the hypertrophy rep range and if you can hit that range in 20seconds and then repeat the effort on another exercise with insufficient recovery, you'll get the results we're aiming for (leaner, anaerobic endurance, power endurance and strength endurance).

  6. Run Sprints or do sprint efforts. When possible do burst activities. Do actual running sprints outside for 10seconds to 1minute. Rest until your heart rate recovers to 120 beats per minute (bpm) or less and then repeat. Or do them on a piece of cardio equipment or practicing your sport. It's fun, effective and can be safer than steady state exercise because of the fewer repetitions completed and the greater range of motion of the movements.

  7. Stretch more. Work + Rest = Success. If you're eating foods that reduce bloating and you're moving more, then you also want to make sure your body is not holding onto any unnecessary stress. Stretch that stress away, so you feel light and loose.

Phase 13 Warm Ups

Phase 13, Workout A - Virtual

Phase 13, Workout B - Virtual

Phase 13, Workout A - Extra Equipment

Phase 13, Workout B - Extra Equipment

Cool Down

Nutrition Habits

Please choose a nutrition habit. It can be the same one as last phase, one you've used previously, one from the list below or something else.

Remember, to make it and your other daily habits, easy, so you can get 4 for 4's. Choose a nutrition habit that you can do successfully every day, at 2 meals, 3 meals or every meal.

Pop quiz. I've started to ask people randomly what their nutrition habit is. Make sure you have one in case I ask you.

DropBox Folders

Bookmark these or bookmark this email. Here are the folders for last phase and this phase. Inside are all the in class workouts that were recorded, the last Saturday Stretch and the Full Workout Card pdf's for virtual and extra equipment.

Phase 11 (October)

Phase 12 (November)

Phase 13 (this phase)

P13, Workout Card - Virtual (.pdf)

P13, Workout Card - Extra (.pdf)

Guest Week

If you love having a coach, a community, a program and an appointment, consider sharing the love and inviting your people to work on their self-care too while sharing a bonding experience with you.

Option 1: Email introduce them to me.

Option 2: Share VIG (very important guest) link.

Everything is better when you feel good!

You've heard me talking about all the themes and you've been experiencing them. This last phase is called holiday hotness and winter sports ready for a reason. Schedule your workouts and show up. I'll help manage your workout to match what you're bringing to the table that day, so if you feel awesome we'll go for it. If you feel crappy, we'll scale it way back to help you feel good. If you're in between, then we'll meet you there.

Also, while you're capturing the moments of what makes your holiday traditions memorable and often times that's the special foods, remember and go back to often, the power of leafy greens (eat salads often, even at breakfast), vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes ( beans), healthy fats, and lots of water. They'll make you feel good both in the moment and later and they taste good too.

Readying up to send 2020 off with a grand farewell,

Coach Mike

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