Hi Friend,
Happy double dip Friday and Holiday weekend to you!
Man was it a tough week for many and a joyful week for others. A wide range of powerful emotions were felt. And now that a decision has been made, whether it's liked or not, we can still only control what we can control.
My dad died this year. He was my everything and he was my stepfather. He made the time my whole life and I felt it. I made the time and I have no regrets. I controlled what I could control. You supported me. My family supported me. I didn't do it alone.
The great thing about movement is it makes you feel good. Motion is lotion. Motion causes emotion. If comparison is the thief of joy. If alcohol borrows tomorrow's happiness for today. If caffeine borrows tomorrow's energy for today. Movement pays dividends today and makes deposits for tomorrow.
It's a win-win! It's controllable. You can control what, where, when, how, with who and why. It's empowering. It's a big reason we have empowerment weeks. To give you the choice of what to do or not do. How much or how little to do. How and where, what, when, with who and why? You get to be in control.
If you feel sad. Movement makes you feel happy.
If you feel lonely. Movement can be connecting.
If you feel weak. Movement can make you feel strong.
If you feel frustrated. Movement can clear the cache and empty the trash.
If you feel overloaded. Movement can help you sort things.
If you feel blocked. Movement can provide clarity.
If you feel tired. Movement can be energizing.
If you feel angry. Movement can be awesome.
If you feel happy. Movement can be more fun.
If you feel social. Movement can be more fun.
If you feel strong. Movement can be more fun.
If you feel content. Movement can be satisfying.
If you feel grounded. Movement can enhance it.
If you feel energized. Movement can magnify it.
If you feel focused. Movement can enhance it.
Movement is so much more than just health, body transformations and performance.
Movement cares about you. It's there when you need it during the good, bad and in between.
Like Nike said. Just do it!
And do it with us b/c together we make everything feel better!
P12, Week 2 Recap
We had a full week, regular schedule.
We aimed for 1+1's.
Most everyone achieved that except for maybe the Core #1 circuits that had body saws and curl up to half kneel. Those are pretty tough.
Candy piles are getting smaller.
Momentum is building.
Exercise volume is slowly increasing.
Recovery from phase 11's volume has happened and should be felt.
It might feel like more energy and/or that you feel recovered. More like yourself, but better. Less tired. Your performance may be increasing. You might have the energy to push and that feels good.
Cardio Minutes - Week 2
We did 24min / workout. 48 for 2. 72 for 3 days.
Minutes are still due Monday. Text or email to get your accountability and recognition.
Upcoming Schedule
Week 3: 11/11 to 11/15
a.m. W / F @ Virtual
p.m. T / Th @ MC
*Veteran's Day Monday, 11/11. No live workouts.
Week 4: 11/18 to 11/22
a.m. M / W / F @ Virtual
p.m. M / T @ MC, Th @ Virtual
*Holly Harvest Fair Set Up begins, Th, 11/18 @ MC, so we'll train M / T @ MC and Th we'll go virtual.
Weekend Workout, 7:30-8:30a, Sun, 11/24 @ NN
P13, Week 1: 11/25 to 11/29
a.m. M / W @ Virtual
p.m. M / T @ MC
*Thanksgiving & Black Friday, 11/28 & 11/29, no live workouts.
Annual Thanksgiving Day Family Workout
8:30-10am, Th, 11/28 @ MC
*Please RSVP to let me know you're coming and who you're bringing.
P13, Weeks 2-4: 12/2 to 12/20
regular schedules
a.m. M / W / F @ Virtual
p.m. M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC
2 Week Year End Break: 12/23/24 to 1/3/25
*No live workouts!
P12, Week 3 Workout Schedule
a.m. Wednesday = Workout A, Friday = Workout B
p.m. Wednesday = Workout A, Friday = Workout B
These will both be A#4 and B#4, which means on paper, they'll both be light & fast.
We'll increase reps by +1 or +2 for 1-limb exercises and 2-limb exercises respectively.
We'll aim for 2 rounds per circuit except @ home conditioning in which we'll aim for 4 rounds.
P12, Week 3 Predicted Cardio Minutes
26min / workout. 52min for 2 workouts. 78 minutes if you get a 3rd workout!
Shout Outs
Josh Gann and his wife Nicole for finishing all (48), 4,000ft mountains in New Hampshire. What a cool achievement over many years that required a lot of planning, time and effort. High Five Josh & Nicole!
Congratulations to Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz for being hired @ Lucid to help launch their Gravity SUV. I'm seeing the ads everywhere. What a cool looking car. I wish you guys great success!
Perfect Attendance through 2 weeks! Marisa Cimino, Joshua Gann, Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Julie Tishler, William Savage, Elizabeth Dean, Susan McHale, Amita Vasi, Paul Gomez, Lisa Listerman, Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz, Nishaat Vasi, Lucy Barts and Andra Dean. High Five for showing up every time! #KeepGoing!
P12, Week 1 Cardio Minutes Goal!: Marisa Cimino (300), Joshua Gann (180), Peter Kelly (202), Michaela Millot (394), Julie Tishler (256), William Savage (200), Susan McHale (322), Amita Vasi (250), Paul Gomez (186), Lisa Listerman (360), Carol Vaghar (250), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (250) and Jim Flynn (228). High Five for getting your minutes in. You're helping to ensure your health, body composition and performance. The minutes can be as simple as walking.
October Attendance Leaders (Top 12):
Full Workout Cards?! When you fill a full workout card (6 workouts / side), please share a screen shot of both sides, so I can recognize your efforts!
Daily Habits 4 for 4's, week 1: Julie Tishler (3), William Savage (2), Michaela Millot (2), Marisa Cimino (2), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (2), Amita Vasi (2), Stephanie Bucci (2), Lisa Listerman, Nishaat Vasi, Gregor Rohda, Diane Gomez and Carol Vaghar! It's the little things, practiced everyday, compounded daily over weeks, months and years that add up to you one day being surprised or not so surprised at how far you've come / gone. Check those boxes. Make it so easy for yourself to win, while still working towards your goals.
Daily Habits 4 for 4's, week 2: Julie Tishler (3), Carol Vaghar (3), Alfredo Guerrero-Ortiz (2), Diane Gomez, Marisa Cimino, Susan McHale, Nishaat Vasi, Michaela Millot, William Savage, Lisa Listerman and Joshua Gann. These are spiritual wins that are made to feel extra good when combined with the recognition, however I would imagine these days are also your best days because you're rested, you ate enough, you moved and you practiced a nutrition habit that made you feel good. #KeepGoing! #RinseandRepeat! #FreshStart for everyone else.
That's all for today. Control what you can. Happy double dip Friday. Happy Veteran's Day weekend to all of our Veteran's past and present! Happy wedding anniversary #13 to Vanessa and I!
Make it count,
p.s. here's the P12 Links for your convenience.