Subject: P12, Private Measurements (2nd to last of the year). RSVP Now!

Hi Friend!

Happy Thursday to you!

RSVP Now for P12's Private Measurements!  This is your 2nd to last private measurements of the year.  What gets measured, gets managed!  - Peter Drucker

Health, Body Transformation and Performance whether you want to see the scale go down, the scale stay the same while the body fat % goes down or you want to enhance life & sports performance.  

Hoping vs. Expecting.
Hoping for something means it may or may not happen.  You're in a passive state, watching life go by.  Expecting it will happen, knowing it will happen, means it will.  You'll find a way.  You're in an active or action state.  - Tony Robbins

Practice Content vs. Full.  You're in control.  Nobody's the boss of you, except you!

Your coach, 

Mike Alves

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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