Subject: P12 Overview (Strength)

Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday to you! The Alves family had an active, social, grounding and restful weekend. No updates on the new house. Monday starts week 9 in the hotel and it looks like a week of rain, meaning no outside work on the house. They continue to make progress, so it's to be continued on that front.

Phase 12 Overview

If you thought last phase was exciting and I hope you did, this phase is even more exciting. You get to pick things up and put them down. You get to do cooler stuff, lift heavier things and get stronger. You get to build more muscle, gain more curves, get more durable and resilient, get leaner, gain more confidence and really amplify your best personality. It's awesome and I hope you love it.

DB Load = 35-55% BW on strong days; 20-40% BW on light and fast days.


We're going to do +'s on the 1st set of the 1 week and then the 2nd sets for weeks 2-4.

The +'s let you lift to technical failure. This lets you instantly recalibrate your exercise skill level and DB load to help you determine how much weight or resistance you should be using (or not) and what exercise level you should be doing (or not) based on your ability to do the suggested reps and/or do more or less than the suggested reps.

Lifting to technical failure is going to maximize your strength, muscle building and hypertrophy gains. It's fun, it's going to increase your athleticism, intrinsic confidence, external outlook and make you feel great. Go for it and love every burning rep of it.

Superband Dead Lifts

I almost put these in last phase, but I didn't. Then I had Mike C try them the after the first workout A, to see how they looked and they looked good and he gave them a thumbs up. Then Paula said Th last week, that she'd really love to have a little more variety with the hip exercises because the 1-leg hip thrust, 1-leg straight leg bridge and the 1-leg towel curl to re-bridge all felt like the same exercise and she's right. They're very similar. So here's me being responsive and taking action when I can. Superband Dead Lifts are in. 1-Leg Straight Leg Bridges are out.

I recommend you order thicker super bands from perform better because you're going to get very strong, very quick and it's going to be very fun to do this movement. They are very inexpensive compared to a barbell set with Olympic plates, super space conscious and easy to travel with. Get the 1/2", 1" and maybe a 1.75" if you've done chin ups before. I don't yet have a feel for who should and shouldn't get a 2.5" Superband, so let's hold on that one for now.


Remember our themes for the quarter: winter sports and holiday hotness.

P11's hypertrophy and P12's strength themes are going to get you stronger so you can do more in your sports, be more confident, more resilient and durable. P13's power endurance theme will get you in conditioning shape for the sports you're not strong and slow, but strong & fast. Electric. Explosive. Reactive. Plus as a side benefit you'll peak for holiday hotness, whatever that might mean for you. For me, it'll mean I'll be more photogenic, leaner, looser (more flexible), taller posture, energized and cardiovascularly in shape (more dance ready on demand). Stuff I care about that you might not.

But first we get strong.


We're into the last 8 weeks straight of our year, then 2 weeks off to finish the year.

P12: 10/25 - 11/20

Guest Weeks: 10/25 - 11/5

No classes: Th, 11/11 & F, 11/12 for Veteran's Day / 10 Year Wedding Anniversary

Saturday Stretch, 11/20

P13: 11/22 - 12/18

Guest Weeks: 11/22 - 12/3

No classes: Th, 11/25 & F, 11/26 for Thanksgiving and Black Friday

*Possible Thanksgiving Day Family Workout, though TBD

Saturday Stretch, 12/18

Year End Break, 12/19/21 to 1/2/22

P12, Warm Up & Cool Down

One of your greatest gifts you've learned and earned is you've mastered the foam rolling routine. That routine allows you to instantly make your body feel better in roughly 5 minutes.

You also know all of the pre-workout stretches and the post workout stretches, though many times you lean on me to remember the order. You know these stretches make you feel good, so since these really haven't trained in the almost 13 years of CYBBC, I recommend you memorize these and use them when your body calls for it. Sometimes I even use all 3 days in 1 stretch routine (like the Saturday stretch) and sometimes I pick & choose based on either what works best for me or what I need in a particular moment. You can do the same.

One of my favorite parts of CYBBC and a big part of why I created it was because I missed the sidelines and locker room camaraderie of working with teams and athletes. The banter. The back & forth. You probably notice my structure. I try to engage everyone and check in during the rolling. Then I try to tell you a story and paint pictures during the stretching. Then we pull the hoodie down to get the tunnel vision and start to get focused on that day's workout during the correctives and movement prep.

It's our routine, it's our rhythm, it's how we transition from the extrinsic world, roles and responsibilities to our intrinsic self, body and safe space for sharpening the saw.

James Clear says, in Atomic Habits, says, make it easy to fall into good habits. That's what we try to do and if you memorize some of it, you can automate it and more easily transition.

P12, Workout A - Extra

Last phase we re-introduced medicine balls (MB) and hurdles to the 6:30pm, T / Th classes at the Mackenzie Center. I coached it a couple of different ways the first week, because I had MB's and hurdles together and then either Foot Fire Jump Turns w/ Body Saws or Squat Jacks w/ Curl Ups. The challenge for me was I really like having the extra shoulder stabilizer exercise (DB High Pull to External Rotations and DB Y-Raises). The quick feet is perfect for basketball and the shoulder exercises are perfect for tall postures. So many good exercises, so little time. It's a nice problem to have.

In the end, as the phase went on, I paired the MB's w/ core (saws and curl ups) and the Hurdles / Skaters w/ shoulders (external rotations & y-raises).

I also liked this pairing better because it gave us more total cardio minutes because the MB's I count as cardio and the Hurdles I count as cardio, so separating them, meant the core & shoulders were "active rests", which let us count the full 3minutes towards the total workout cardio minutes.

Medicine Balls

Paul & Diane, I think you should do the MB's instead of the Foot Fires and Squat Jacks.


Anyone who has kids at home that still play sports AND who love to practice at home, may want to invest in the mini hurdles because a gift for them, would be a fun gift for you.


If you have a TRX, I encourage you to do the leg curls in place of the towel slides. The towel slides are awesome, closed chain, knee + hip curls and it's also fun to do the same movements using different tools.

P12, Workout A - Virtual

Workout B - Extra

Nordic Partner Negatives + Plyo Push Ups

Mich & Sean, Paul & Diane, Amita and Nishaat, maybe Mike & Lauren, if you train with a partner or if you train with someone you don't mind being touched by during Covid, I recommend doing the Nordic Partner Negatives in place of the 1-Leg Bench Hip Thrust. They're very fun.

Workout B - Virtual

Nutrition Habit

Think about how easy it is to fall into a bad habit. Do that with good habits. Make it so simple and easy, that you can do it every day with barely any effort. Then add up all those days and well-ah! You own the habit. That's what these are about.

Since P12 is a strength phase you're going to be in an anabolic, muscle building state (hint we're always in an anabolic / muscle building state). Making sure you eat enough food and drink enough water is going to be important to help you perform and recover. Choose more of the foods that help you feel great and less of the foods that make you feel less great. And if you practice Habit #1 at, at least 1 meal per day, it'll help you to get leaner with more muscle definition.

Zoom Links

6:00am, M / W / F - Virtual

Meeting ID: 908 612 251

Passcode: 4for4

9:00am, M / W / F - Virtual

Meeting ID: 364 600 271

Passcode: 4for4

6:30pm, M - Virtual - T / Th @ Mackenzie Center

Meeting ID: 271 737 590

Passcode: 4for4

P12 Zoom Recordings

P12 Workout Card - Extra

P12 Workout Card - Virtual

Cardio Minutes - Week 4

We did 25min / workout last week. Minutes are due mañana!

Let's have a strong phase!

Coach Mike

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