Subject: P12, Cardio Minutes and Schedule Updates!

Hi Friend,

Happy Tuesday to you!

No school over here, so I'm hosting the little people and trying to keep the fun high and the mess low.

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

If you haven't already reported, here's another chance.

Virtual: 25min/workout.

In Person: 25min Tuesday / 20 min Thursday.

Schedule Updates

Veteran's Day, No classes Friday, 11/11

This week, 11/7 to 11/10:

6:00am, M / W @ virtual

9:00am, M / W @ virtual

6:30pm, M @ virtual, T / Th @ Mackenzie

Holly Harvest Fair begins next week at the Mackenzie Center. This means no in person class on Thursday, Nov 17. We'll train virtual instead and swap it with Monday, Nov 15.

Next week, 11/14 to 11/18:

6:00am, M / W / F @ virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ virtual

6:30pm, M / T @ Mackenzie, Th @ Virtual

Record Week's #1 & 2

This week and next, weeks 3 and 4, are record weeks. Here's you're trying to get a PR (personal record) by either:

  • using more weight

  • doing a higher level

  • doing more reps

  • doing more sets

  • doing more rounds

Do any of those and you'll get a PR!

Also. Remember this is a strength phase, so you're focusing on getting stronger. It is not a metabolic phase (that's next month). You want to figure out what you have to do in order to safely use more weight or do a higher level with great technique.

Two simple ways to think about it, but not necessarily easy to do:

  1. Prepare mentally the day before and/or the day of by living in a way that will allow you to present your best self to your training so you can get stronger.

  2. Rest more between sets and exercises and sometimes even reps so you can do more. No guilt.


Coach Mike

p.s. reply now with your minutes if you haven't already

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