Subject: P10, Week 2 Recap, Next Weeks Schedule & Cardio Minutes!

Hi Friend,

Happy weekend to you! It's a real peaceful start to our day over here, that started with an early morning walk, checking in with my V's, a yummy steel cut oatmeal breakfast and now some grounding desk work before the busy social part of the day begins.

P10, Week 2 Recap

We've done 30:15 (medium or moderately strong days) and 60:30's (light & fast days). Both interval workouts were different from what you did the last 3 phases and emphasized greater your strength endurance, local muscle endurance, anaerobic endurance and maybe in some instances speed & power endurance.

Monday and Wednesday next week, you'll do 20:10's, which I designed this phase to be your strong and high skill level days. In most cases I'm suggesting your heaviest loads you can lift (e.g. 30-50% BW = total DB load) since the time is short. You'll try to move the weights or your body as fast as possible in the 20 seconds. We'll do 3 rounds. Then Thursday / Friday (if you train on your own using A#3 and B#3), and all of week 4, we'll do 60:30's to finish the phase and quarter fast, helping us peak for fall races, events, sports and photos.

Try to piggyback on your efforts by using your nutrition skills (content not full, smaller plates, eat an early dinner, eat a bigger breakfast, water to start your day and to start your meals, leans / greens / beans, etc...), get your cardio in, and practice staying in bed and trying to sleep for 10 hours. If your tight and/or stiff, roll, stretch or do yoga. If you want to target a specific area of your body (aesthetics) go for it . If you want to target a specific performance goal like getting faster, more agile, more endurance, stronger, more powerful or a sports skill, go for it! Everything happens faster when you're training like you do when we're together.

Next Week's Schedule!

My family is going to Colorado for a wedding, leaving Wednesday after morning boot camps, so there will be no live workouts on Thursday or Friday. This has been on the 2024 schedule since the beginning, so hopefully you're not surprised by it.

a.m., M / W @ Virtual, F on own

p.m., M / T @ MC, Th on own

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

Here are our predicted cardio minutes for the phase for your reference. Minutes are due Monday!

Cheers and wishing you a great weekend of recharging, catching up, getting better and getting ahead,


p.s. Who do you know that might love what we do and be a great fit for boot camp? Please email introduce them and/or invite them to come train with you and/or with us if they have a different schedule.

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