Subject: Muscle Activation Thoughts, Cardio Minutes August Schedule!

Hi Friend,

Happy Monday to you! I sure am grateful that New England has rain and moisture and is very lush and green. It sure feels good.

Muscle Activation.

You know what else feels good. When your muscles are turned on.

This past weekend, we drove to D.C. to visit the Spy Museum.

Vivi got into the Spy Kids Movies over the last 2 years (prior to getting into Harry Potter), so we wanted to take her before it was no longer interesting to her anymore.

Thankfully we got out of Covid jail and made the roadtrip to D.C. and back. It was a whirlwind, but D.C. is awesome and so was the Spy Museum.

Because we decided to drive, we had a lot of aches & pains from sitting in the car so long. It took us about 10.5 hrs to get there and about 10 hrs to get home. That's a lot of driving and a lot of body pain: neck, shoulders, back, legs, knees, feet. You name it.

What do we know about these aches?  

Well if your muscles aren't being used, they turn down.

E.g. Sitting on your glutes? They turn down. = Low Back Pain

E.g. Not holding your posture? your core & upper back turn down. = Low & Upper Back Pain

E.g. Sitting too long? Legs getting stiff! = Hip flexors, Hamstrings & Calves get short & tight.


Turn up & turn on glutes. Low Back pain decreases.

Turn up & turn on core & upper back. Low back & upper back pain decreases.

Lengthen short & tight muscles & strengthen long & achy muscles. Legs get unstiff and pain goes down.


I did squats, step ups, lateral lunges & kickstand RDL's to turn on my glutes and lower body.

I did chops & lifts and push ups & pull ups to turn on my core & upper back.

I did 20:10 tabatas, 8 rounds with 1 minute rest in between. I did 4 total circuits. 20min of training time with about a 5 minute joint mobility warm up (arm circles, trunk rotations, leg swings, ankle mobes, etc...)

Pain decreased. Energy increased. And I was on my way!

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

The week was disrupted by Covid so, here's what we were supposed to do.

a.m. 19, 22, 19 = 60min

p.m. 19, 24, 24 = 67min

Add whatever you did to your total and reply now with your minutes!

August Schedule

We're full into vacation season as you'll notice by your peers attendance. Good for everyone. I hope they get refreshed and recharged, have amazing experiences and make new memories they can share in story format.

Week 3: 8/19 to 8/23

regular schedule

a.m. M / W / F @ Virtual

p.m. M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

Week 4: 8/26 to 8/30

*Covid Make Ups, M / T / W

a.m. M / W @ virtual

p.m. M @ virtual, T @ MC

**Empowerment Week, Th / F

We return for Phase 10 on Labor Day, Monday, 9/2 with a regular schedule and a regular week.

Cheers and see you soon!


p.s. what'd you get for cardio minutes last week?

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