Subject: Minutes for Week 1 and PERFORMANCE (potential Dates!)

Hi Friend!

Great day of training to you!

Just got great feedback from my Ace Mechanic, Aaron, over at J & K Auto in Newton Center.  He says my new, "Quinny" the Equinox is in great shape.  Talk about peace of mind.  When you buy your car new or certified pre-owned there's a lot of peace of mind you get and when your car doesn't fall into that category, there's some unknowns when you make a purchase if you don't know cars well.

Aaron taught me to get pre-purchase inspections, and not only did I do good research on my own and follow it up with due diligence with him, but I L-O-V-E how attention to detail he is.  He pushes every button, opens every nook and cranny, plugs it up to his computer, takes it for a drive, puts it under the lift, I mean it's like a 150-200 point inspection.  Everything.  He's awesome.  

Why do I share this, well of course because (1) it just happened and when you get a text that says your new car is in "GREAT shape", that makes you feel good and (2) because I put a lot of attention to detail into your program.  We don't do napkin of the day workouts aka Workout of the Days (WOD), where I write something up on the white board.  We do Workouts for Life (WOL).  Everything is pre-planned, periodized and built over a macrocycle (over the year) and designed with you in mind.  What we're doing this week, sets up next week and the next 2 months.  This year sets up next year.  Capish?  

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time         Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am     21               21                21               63
9:00am     21               21                21               63
6:30pm     21               21                21               63
Today, not tomorrow.  This year, not next year.  What can you do today, to set yourself up for a great tomorrow?  Do it.  Then repeat tomorrow!
Minutes are due Monday!

Group personal training, for Health, Body Transformation and PERFORMANCE!

Some times you need outside events to help motivate you to do bigger and better things.

Here are proposed dates and times for the 2017 FAB's and The Spartan Training Program.  All dates and times to be confirmed by the Queen.

Carson Beach Workout*
7:30-9a, Sat, Aug 12 @ Carson Beach, ($35 value)

Harvard Stadium Run*
7:30-9:30a, Sun, Sept 10 @ Harvard Stadium ($35 value)

Blue Hills Hike*
8-10am, Sat, Oct 14 @ Blue Hills, Milton, MA ($35 value)

Fenway Spartan Sprint+
Sun, Nov 5 @ Fenway Park ($89-$154)
8 Week Spartan Team Training Begins, Mon, Sept 11 - Sun Nov 5 ($495 value)

Cold Spring Park Run*
7:30-9 or 8-9:30a, Sat, Dec 2 @ Cold Spring Park ($35 value)

*2017 FAB's are Fast Action Bonus' awarded to members who renewed by a certain date and time at the beginning of the year.  Those members who won, get to attend for free.  Everybody else, may also attend by paying the participation fee.

+The 8 Week Spartan Team Training, culminating in the Fenway Spartan Sprint will be a great opportunity to have more purposeful cardio minutes and meet ups to help prepare each person to have a high performance experience.  In my opinion, you could show up to the Fenway Spartan Sprint or any Spartan Sprint having done only boot camp and cardio minutes and perform well.  There are of course events you might not do great on because you haven't trained them (walls, ropes, spears, monkey bars, rowing machine, ...), but conditioning wise, movement quality wise, you're good enough.  However, sometimes, you'd like to do better than good enough, sometimes you'd like to dominate an event with a best case performance that makes you feel amazing and exhilarating and if you want to chase that feeling and experience with me, while reducing your injury risk and are willing to make the time and pony up the fee, ($495), I'd love to be training partners with you.

You have embarked on a lifestyle change that began with your mind, continues with your body and naturally yields enhanced performance.  You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most and I want to have 1% out of 1% health, so if you want better health and if we hang together, something good is bound to rub off on you.  Find a training buddy in CYBBC and there's a 2nd person. Invite someone in your world, maybe your emergency contact, to be an accountability / training buddy with and there's another (#3). Find a neighbor, co-worker, fellow parent, friend or 
extended family member to do fun recreational, training or competitive activities with and you have another (#4 and possibly #5). There's your 5 people. Let these thoughtful decisions help you fall into good habits and you re-write the health of your family tree. That's cool!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

Burn & Earn!

p.s.  Whatever you choose to do this weekend, find a way to set yourself up for a great start on Monday!  Do that and there's favorable odds, you'll have a great start to your week 2.
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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