Subject: Identity, Lifestyle and Family Tree

Hi Friend!

Great day to you!

I was working on my business instagram account and I was thinking of what my bio should be and I came up with, "Changing Identities, Lifestyles and Family Trees in a Group Personal Training Setting since 2009!"  

It's how you see yourself.  Some of our members were athletes before joining, but most were not.  Now they're all athletes because that's how they train.  They train like athletes and if they play a sport they may not have the skill for it right away, but they'll be in great shape and have the movement patterns, strength and conditioning to learn much quicker.  

When you're out of shape, everything is hard and anything physical is not very fun.  When you're in shape, however, most everything physical is fun and if it's hard its viewed as a good workout and a good challenge.  

Family Tree
When you're known as the healthy, fit and active person in your world, who enjoys physical things, it can't help but have a trickle down (or up or sideways) effect on your family tree. If you love, not judge, invite and find fun, physical things for your people to do with you, then over time you might be able to update your family tree.  

Here's my man Sean, with his head cut off.  I'm still learning instagram, and every time I tried to make this photo, whether he was on the top or the bottom, it cut his head off.  That's too bad because he's a handsome fella with an extra bright smile this day.  

Sean has a t-shirt, from somewhere in Asia that reads, "Same, same, but different", and it cracks me up.  On this day, he really brought the effort and when I did the same workout later that day, it soaked my shirt too!
There are many reason for everything we do in boot camp.  Whether it's health, injury and/or disease risk reduction related, or for addressing body composition goals like (weight loss, muscle building, fat loss, decreasing inches, increasing inches, toning or shaping), or to help you perform better in sports (stamina, recovery, durability, speed, power, quickness, agility, strength, change of direction, acceleration and jumping), I've tried to think about it.

The things that I don't think about when I create our programming are the funny things that get said during the workouts.  

Melissa in the top photo, once said, "chin ups aren't just for bladder control".  And Amita, who's in the bottom photo, didn't say this quote, but it's been said that "towel curls are for more than fitted pants Fridays".  

Jim Rohn, says "it's easy to do and it's easy, not to do".  He also says, and I'll paraphrase, "hear my message, take it to heart, but don't watch me too closely".  Here's the Alves Family Menu, the week, I subbed in for Vanessa.  This is my attempt to merge my "greens, beans and leans" with Ellyn Satter's (water, bread, starch, protein, fat, fruit, vegetable and dairy @ the big 3 and 1 or 2 items at snacks in between).  I'm not sure what category popsicles fall under, but there they are.  It's a real menu and served as a great guideline for our family that week.  
In each of the photos you can see people who've changed their identities.  They're all athletes.  They all make time for self-care and they all enjoy it.  They train when they're with us and when they're away.  They enjoy physical things, active living and participating in activities that make them sweat outside of training.  And they're all changing their family trees wether it be from serving as a role model or from inviting people to join them in activities that match what they can both do.

Comfortable sweating, but not so comfortable on instagram,

Coach Mike

p.s.  when you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you.

1.  Group Personal Training:  this week is guest week as are the 1st (2) weeks of every phase in 2020.  If you want a coach who cares, awesome people to train with, a results-oriented program to follow and a high energy place to get filled up, then this is for you.  Reply with "CYBBC" in the subject line when you're ready to try us out.  

2.  Private Training.  If you prefer 1-on-1, can't train at our group times or have special considerations you want to address privately, I have afternoon availability on M / W / F for 1 person.  If this interests you, when you're ready, reply with "Private Training" in the subject line and let me know.

3.  Program Design.  Wanna train for something specific, whether it be a race, reunion, travel, body composition or pain spots, get a plan to help you get to where you want to go.  If you want access to a coach, yet want to train most of the time on your own reply with "Program Design" in the subject line and let me know how I can help you.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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