Subject: How to be awesome this week!

Hi Friend!

Happy windows open, Monday night to you!

Wow, what a great treat it was to wear shorts and t-shirts this weekend. And sleep with the windows open.

How's your training going?  Great, good, not so great, non-existent. Whatever it is, keep working to make it better. The journey and the pursuit are often times better than the end result itself. #keepgoing!

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

We did 20min / workout in class and 25min @ the Mackenzie Center.

Please reply now with your minutes if you haven't already.

Training Schedule - Week 3

There are no classes on Wednesday for the Veteran's Day, Holiday! It's also our 9th wedding anniversary (11.11.11), so we'll see what we can do now that Vivi's school has decided to honor the holiday and close school for the day. Here's are training schedule for this week:

6:00am, M / F

9:00am, M / F

6:30pm, M / T* / Th

*Tuesday is in person @ the Mackenzie Center

Workout Schedule - Week 3

6:00am, A / B

9:00am, A / B

6:30pm, B / B / A

If you train 3x/wk, and you want to keep your momentum, you're going to have to find a way to get the 3rd workout in, by training in the evening or the a.m. It's possible even if it's not ideal. If you can swing it, do it! If you can't. Pass. You'll be o.k. either way.

How to be more awesome?

Keep making time for you.

Everything's better when you make time for you.

Rose colored glasses sure are more uplifting and hopeful than gray and discolored one's.

Best days sure beat mediocre days.

Energized sure beats tired.

Deep sleep sure beats restless sleep.

Calm and relaxed sure beats stressed and anxious.

Loose and solid sure beats tight and soft.

Strong beats weak every day of the week.

You can do it. Just show up. Just do it. Roll. Stretch. Go from there.

Loving the fresh air,

Coach Mike

p.s. reply now with your cardio minutes!

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