V's mom is in town so last night we had a movie and dinner date night. V's a really fast reader and has read most of the books that become movies, so she wanted to see Unbroken or Wild. Me being an action fan, I voted for Unbroken before thinking. The best way to prime a date night is with romantic comedies, happy stuff, hot stuff, not torture, p.o.w., war stuff. Duh! Sometimes I wonder where my brain is.
So let me do some thoughtful thinking and priming for you.
Cardio Minutes - Week 2 Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total 6:00am 19 16 19 54 9:00am 19 16 19 54 6:30pm 19 16 19 54 Above are your cardio minutes for week 2. What do you have to do to hit your cardio goal, earn a high five from me and feel real good inside for making the time.
Martin Luther King Day (MLK) MLK
day is an opportunity to get ahead or fall behind. If you're local and
working, stick to your regular training schedule. If you're local and
not working, sleep in and train at the 9a. Bring your kids and put 'em
on the stage. If you're out of town, plan your return trip accordingly
so you can train at the 6:30p. You'll be glad you did. You'll hit the
ground running on Tuesday and you'll have worked on any excess fun you
had. Plus, you can bring your kids if needed. 6a @ BG, 9a @ MC, 6:30p @ MC
Nutrition Discussion (ND) 1:30-3p, Sat, Jan 24, is the ND. Why be anything
but your best? How many days do you want to waste feeling crappy,
sluggish, lying on the sofa, watching your life pass you by. Learn how
to use nutrition to support your health, body composition and performance goals.
Phase 2 (P2) Jan 24 - Feb 15 P2 training begins on M, Jan 26. Got a friend who needs a coach, a
team, a program and a place to train. Send them our way. They can
either do a 1 week free trial or attend a guest day.
There you have it. 4 ways to thoughtfully prime yourself to be your best self. Start with your cardio minutes. Go from there. Can you do a 30:30, 5, 10 or 20 rd, burpee cardio workout, where you do 30s of hands free burpee jumps and 30sec of rest? How about a bundled up family walk or a 15min walk or workout at halftime of the game?
You CAN do it, so just DO it!
Your coach,
p.s. minutes are due manana