Subject: Hi Friend! What'd you do for cardio minutes last week?

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Hi Friend!

Great Monday to you!

Man it's going to be an awesome week.  The energy at the 6am and 9am workouts was awesome.  People are making change happen and it feels great and looks awesome!

Record Week
Remember this week is record week, so we're going to finish the conditioning sandwich by following up the conditioning with another 5 minute circuit of strength.  There will be no formal demonstrations outside of the warm up so we can get right into it.  You have your workout cards, the dry erase board, your partner and me to use as references to help jog your memory.

Aim to get 1 more rep or set or +; do a higher level or use more resistance to get a personal record (PR).  Get as any PR's as you can.  Look back at what you did the last couple of workouts to see what you need to beat this week.  Remember to be specific.  Look at workout A to see if you beat workout A records and vice versa for workout B.  Look for D1, D2 or D3 in the conditioning rows (E1 - E6) to see what you did for total sets last time so you know what to beat this time.

Performance Notes!
Help yourself peak for your workouts and week.  Put yourself to bed if you feel tired.  If you want to read social media, watch t.v., play with your smart phone, then ask yourself if you would read a book instead.  If you say no you wouldn't read a book right now because you don't want to or because you're tired, then, it means you need to put yourself to bed.  

Nutritional Periodization
You're going to be on a high this week that will get compounded with every workout.  You'll feel calm, relaxed, energized, clear of mind, you'll feel good.  You'll also (most likely) sleep deeper, be in an anabolic / muscle building state, decrease body fat % and fat mass, get a bit stiff and be hungrier.  This hungrier means you're in a muscle building, fat burning state.  Eat your portion sizes, slowly and if you're still hungry keep eating, but eat slowly watching for your content / fullness cue, and stop there, even if you didn't clear your plate.  

The getting a bit stiff part is natural.  You'll most likely feel it whole body.

Recommendations for Stiffness
Roll whatever is sore
Stretch whatever is tight

More specifically
Roll:  5-10 reps
Lax Ball - abdomen (from ribs to groin)
calves, from knee to ankles
Foam Roll - lats (roll side to side vs. up & down)
Foam Roll - R/L low back
Foam Roll - glute medius (side-lying position like IT-Band, but with top foot behind vs. in front of bottom leg; roll side of cheek)
Foam Roll - hamstrings x10 (5inside, 5 outside)

Stretch:  30s-2min/part
FFE Hip Flexor
FFE Cross Body Hip Flexor
Prone Glute Push
Bent Knee, Split, Quadruped Rock Back & Forth
1-Arm Lat Stretch

Ask me directly if you have something you want to address.

Get 4 Sets Before You Leave
Monday, Thursday & Friday are push ups.
Tuesday & Wednesday are chin ups.

Don't go home until you've finished 4 sets AND got a personal record.  You must do 1 more rep, set, less resistance (bands during chin ups), more resistance (most everything else), a higher level or finish faster.  

I forgot to have the 6am do push ups, so get 4 sets of push ups before you go to bed tonight.

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
Every class was 26min, so 78minutes if you did 3 classes and 104minutes if you did 4 classes.

Private Measurements, Functional Movement Screens & Nutrition Discussion
Private Measurements & Functional Movement Screens
7-9am, Sat, Oct 21 @ MC
We have 3 measurements left to finish the year better than last year.  Make time to track your data, so you know where you are.  We can schedule a call if you need it to help you get where you want to go.
If you have a tight spot or tight spots that you want to address and you want a custom corrective cardio routine that helps you address those tight spots and earns you cardio minutes, you can sign up Thursday for that as well.  

Nutrition Discussion
1:30-2:45p, Sat, Oct 21 @ MC
Need a refresher or a progression plan.  Save the date and sign up on Thursday.

That's it for now.  Reply with your cardio minutes from last week.


p.s.  the next outdoor group workout is Sat, Nov 4 @ Cold Spring Park

p.p.s.  Ricardo and Stephanie were able to make the Blue Hills Hike and we were fast and did a lot of connecting.  It was nice to get to know more about each other than what you can in class.  Thank you for coming.

p.p.p.s.  if the pictures are upside down, I'm sorry.  I couldn't figure out how to flip them.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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