Subject: He called me a 25 y/o!

Hi Friend,

Happy Thursday to you! Last night I played basketball. It's so fun I love it. I just can't show up and play though. I know too much about performance that I've gotta do some of the tricks I've learned like nutrition timing, post activation potentiation and a pre-participation, sports specific warm up.

I had beets as part of my lunch so I'd have delayed fatigue. I did my full body strength workout (Phase 2's Workout A) so my body would be primed and then I did my dynamic warm up, activation and plyometrics specific to basketball and to me, so I could present my best self to hoops. Again... it's so fun I love it.

Last night one of the guys said I didn't think "25 y/o's" needed rest, when I decided to sub out to catch my breath (I was the only one that didn't get a sub after roughly an hour of playing). I'm closer to 50 (wow I can't believe I wrote that), yet they had me covering the 17 and 19 y/o's that were playing with us. I take it all as compliments.

When I reflect on everything that went into those 3 phrases: nutrition timing, post activation potentiation and a pre-participation, sports specific warm up; there's a lot of investments of time, energy, money, sweat, effort, compromises, sacrifices and more over nearly 3 decades to have that knowledge and those experiences boiled down into such simple custom, tailored formulas that are no brainers for me.

Maybe you have similar routines in your toolbox you draw on, when you want to peak for important things, recover from tough things or use daily as part of your awesomeness plan. Maybe you don't.

Maybe you just deal with it and show up like the rest of the guys I played with. I'm sure they had fun too. I also know it goes very quiet when people talk about workouts and pre-game routines and someone asks me what I do before showing up.

If you're interested in:

  • a custom, tailored workout or routine

  • focused attention

  • a scheduled appointment

  • convenience

  • a tool for your toolbox

  • an update to your existing foundation

  • something to take with you, wherever you go

  • a recording to re-watch as a refresher or to gain mastery

  • a pdf to print, so you can use a pencil and go analog with your notes

  • feeling better by addressing that nagging ache or problem sooner than later

  • performing better because it's fun, so why wait

  • looking better because the 3 way mirror in the dressing room keeps telling the truth

  • being healthier because the list of reasons is long enough

  • a tune up so your car isn't the only one getting great attention

  • a reason to dust off your home gym and make it feel fresh & exciting again

Then consider:

  1. Program Design: either a custom program, that I'll design for you, teach you and base it off of an assessment we do together in advance that's either multi-day, multi-workout and varying times or a custom corrective cardio (C3) routine that's 45min long and gets you cardio minutes, while addressing a nagging ache and/or aesthetic goal. If you're interested in program design, reply with subject line: "program design" and let me know. If you want the C3, click the link and follow the instructions there.

  2. Group Personal Training. If you want to do the same workouts that I and my fellow change makers do as the foundation to our wellness and awesomeness plan, that includes a nutrition, cardio and strength plan, accountability, structure, appointments, a coach and a team, then when you're ready, reply to this email with subject line of "group". Phase 2 began Monday and tomorrow and next week are guests weeks if you want to get in now. Otherwise phase 3 begins, Feb 24.

  3. Private Training. If you want to go top shelf, first class and get the whole premium shebang: undivided attention, your own recurring time slot and days on the calendar that are exclusive to you. The bespoke workouts based on your individual assessment, goals equipment, experience. The accountability. The ace up your sleeve. A foundational member of your dream team. Then when you're ready reply with a subject line of "Private Training" and let me know.

That's it for today. I've gotta go do my recovery workout so I'm not an irritable, ornery person and I feel fresh enough to keep my strength workout tomorrow.

Make it count,


p.s. I turned down working in professional sports and collegiate sports because I didn't like the lifestyle. Lifestyle is my jam. When I was ranked the #6 trainer out of ~2000, I was the only one working an 8a-4p schedule, M-F. The elite personal trainers ranked #'s 1-5 worked all hours of the day, 7 days a week, basically whenever someone wanted to train. I decided I wanted to get home at the same time as my friends, workout 6 days a week, play sports and have my weekends to myself.

p.p.s. that being said if lifestyle is important to you (of course it is) and getting support with your exercise programming is important to you, please know I can only fit (1) private training client into my schedule and I can only take (2) new program design / C3 clients at the moment.

p.p.s. If you're interested in group personal training, there's more room because there's more days & times available, however there's only 1 of me, so the personal attention you'll receive as you get onboarded also takes time, so the sooner we get you scheduled, the shorter time you have to wait to get started.

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