Subject: Hardy Habits to Light Your Action Taking Fire!

Buenos dias Friend!

We sure got lucky with yesterdays snow dusting.

I'm fine still working on my 2019 goals and beyond over here and you're probably doing the same or already taking action on them, either way, I came across this super timely article by Benjamin Hardy, about not only setting goals for 2019, but for 2020 and beyond.  

It felt like I was reading a summary of every self-help, motivational, goal planning, business strategy and success book, I've ever read, boiled down in to cool picture memes and research linked, bullet points.  It was powerful for me, had my head nodding in agreement, and has had me re-read it 4 times now and shared it on social media.  

I highly recommend you read it or skim it and then read it because it might strengthen your conviction and point out weaknesses in your goals.  

Some of my favorite things:

  • Goals are means, not ends.  They're stepping stones for the next goal.

  • JK Rowlings planned out 7 books before writing the first chapter.

  • George Lucas planned and wrote 6 Star Wars episodes before turning the 4th book into the first movie.

  • Don't just plant a tree, PLANT AN ORCHARD!

  • Interested vs. Committed:  “If you’re interested, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances about why you can’t or why you won’t. If you’re committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes.”'

  • Self-efficacy = your belief in your own ability to achieve your goals. Think “confidence.”

  • Internal locus of control = a belief that you, not external circumstances, determine the outcomes of your life.

  • External locus of control = a belief that factors outside of you determine the outcomes of your life.

  • People with low self efficacy (low self-confidence) AND an external locus of control (your not in control) are similar to Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.

  • People with high self efficacy (high self-confidence) ANA an internal locus of control (they're in charge of their destiny) are similar to your most admired successful people.  

  • Success precedes confidence

  • “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” — Abraham Lincoln

  • “Resolve means it’s done.  It’s done inside your heart, therefore it’s done in the real world.” - Tony Robbins

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

Gosh, I'm just copying and pasting the whole article, just go check it out for yourself.  

Using Hardy's Habits,

Coach Mike

p.s.  if you read the article, what was one of your favorite parts?

p.p.s.  what's your self-care goal for 2019?

p.p.p.s.  if I can help you with it, reply and let me know.

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