1. Group Personal Training: want a coach who cares, awesome people to train with, a results-oriented program to follow and a high energy place to get filled up, then this is for you. Reply with "CYBBC" in the subject when you're ready to be a guest and/or try us out.
2. Private Training. Some people prefer the convenience and privacy of 1-on-1 training. They thrive with the individualized attention and the personalized programming and know recurring appointments is the way to guarantee their success. I have afternoon availability on M / W / F for 1 person and occasional openings at 7:45a, when my other private client is away. If you're interested and when you're ready, reply with "Private Training" in the subject line and let me know.
3. Program Design. Some people like having access to a coach, yet want to train most of the time on their own. Sometimes they have something specific to work on like a body part, a posture / injury problem or a performance goal, or maybe there's an important event coming up like a reunion, beach vacation, adventure trip or sporting event that they want to get ready for.
Other times they just want a customized program built around where they are currently, how they move and where they want to go. The frequency of this could be 1 off, every 3 weeks, 4, 6, 8 or 12 weeks, semi-annually or annually.
When you're ready to get a custom program, reply with "Program Design" in the subject line to let me know.