Subject: Half Empty, Half Full or Overflowing? CM's, CW's, EWP, 2016FAB and BW!

Hi Friend!  

Great Saturday to you!  I hope you're excited for the weekend and the fresh start and new day it brings.  We're starting to get into the thick of the season and our 2 big themes we've been training for, peak for winter sports and holiday hotness, are beginning to pop up.  Keep going.  Just like accessories make an outfit, self care makes your best you.  Keep priming yourself for special events by burning & earning before and after!  

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      27               27                27               81
9:00am      27               27                27               81
6:30pm      27               27                29               83
Minutes are due Monday.  

Challenge Workouts
pdf:  P12, CW's

video:  CW#3 (max reps in 20min; G=290)
video:  CW#4 (10 rounds AFAP; G=<30min)
video:  CW#5 (7 courses AFAP; G=<40min)
video:  CW#6 (150 reps in 15min)
video:  CW#7 (max rounds in 15min)
video:  CW#8 (3 rounds AFAP)
video:  CW#9 (3 rounds AFAP)
video:  CW#10 (7 courses AFAP; G=<35min)

Wow!  That's a lot of CW's.  Two we'll have done in class (CW1 & CW2), 3 we shot this phase (#3-5) and the remaining are recycled hits from past years.  A couple members asked me if there was any extra incentive for completing all 10 CW's.  Besides filling your workout card, burning & earning through the holidays, developing your can do muscles and getting better, I guess there could be an incentive.  I asked what would motivate you to complete all 10 CW's.  Surprisingly or not, one reply that was echoed pretty quickly was a years membership.  That was a good ask in the spirit of Christmas and all and nice to see their little person or "Santa Baby" unafraid to ask for what they want.  

Like I said, that's a big ask, so I'd need to recoup this gift, if I were to do it, and I thought maybe:

  • 10 FB Live workouts recorded by you of you, doing the CW's, while tagging me and Change Your Body Boot Camps.
Now, that's a lot to ask, but is it really?  You or someone you know have a smart phone.  You're on FB right?  It's o.k. if you're not, but if you wanted to win this, you'd kind of need to be on there.  Workouts take less than an hour and with the exception of CW#1&2, you can do them at home.  Now if you miss CW#1&2 in class, you're gonna have to find a wall, a medicine ball, and a basketball court, but even then, a 1 day gym pass could be worth it.

Now, because some of you would actually do this, there might need to be some tiebreakers in the event the above videos didn't turn into new business for CYBBC, so here are some I've considered so far in order.
  1. share your FB Live Workout post on our FB Fan Page
  2. liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing all 8 of the youtube videos
  3. liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing all 8 shared CW videos on FB
  4. completing your workout card
  5. hitting your cardio goals
  6. reporting your cardio goals
  7. attending Jan 7, Phase 1, Private Measurements
  8. 5 star review and testimonial on FB
  9. 5 star review and testimonial on Yelp
  10. 5 star review and testimonial on google +

Last, if we did this, there'd need to be some accountability on your part to not go soft habit wise, now that you won, kind of like when pro sports players go soft their 1st year into a new contract vs. the last year of a contract when they play like superstars.  You'd have to do some things in order to keep it, like:

  • attend 1 private measurements per quarter
  • attend 1 nutrition discussion in the 1st quarter
  • attend 90% of the classes committed to per phase
  • never NoCallNoShow (NCNS)
  • report cardio minutes every Monday, whether in person, text or email
  • invest in power blocks if you don't already have them for the 1st day of Q2
  • have both 1/2" and 1" bands
  • bring all equipment to every workout
  • attend every testing day per quarter
  • "complete" a workout card every phase
  • do all 3 CW's during EW AND like, comment, subscribe & share
*I'm realistic so if you know something is coming up, you can get a pass to miss a workout.

Those are my initial thoughts.  Big asks, for a big prize, but is it really.  I mean, in the end, you're the main benefactor.  You'll probably end up having the best year of your life in all ways.  Sure there will be hiccups along the way when you don't want to train or are irritable or get too high from training, but that's no different than things you've probably experienced before.  

So...if you're interested, let me know and maybe we'll make it happen.

2016 Fast Action Bonuses (2016FAB)
There is one 2016 FAB left, the Empowerment Week Workout!
You had to be a 2016FAB #1 or 2 winner to qualify.
Stephanie, Pete, Madeline, Julie L, Helen, Marisa, Jenn C, Karna, Bill, Julie T, Chris C, Melinda, Dana, Amy L, Marc S, Jenn M, Lisa L, Ceci D, Quyen and Alicia all qualified.
RSVP Now for the EW Bonus Workout!

Empowerment Week Workout (60min)
6am @ BG, 9am and 6:30pm @ MC, Mon, Dec 19
We'll be doing CW#2.  It's going to be awesome like CW#1 and a helpful momentum boost to finish your year end.  
If you're name isn't listed above, we'd still love to have you come train with us, so you can keep getting better and you're reminded to take action when the 2017 Memberships get rolled out.

Remember our nutrition habit this quarter:  content vs. full.  Well, how do you approach your holiday plates and drinks?  Half empty, Half Full or Overflowing?  I learned this trick in Portugal after all these years.  In the old school Portuguese culture, it makes the hosts feel super special if they serve you their best stuff and send you home with a full belly, no matter how much food or drink it takes.  If you clear your plate and cup to show respect, they'll keep filling it, until you almost burst.  After numerous years of "pop ins", lunches, dinners, holiday parties and Portugal, my cousins and I finally learned to leave food on the plate.  Leaving food on the plate, in most cases stops them from putting food on your plate, but not telling you, "you're too skinny", or "eat up" or "what? you no like my food?", but at least it'll stop them from refilling your plate.  Cups, on the other hand are bit trickier because even some restaurants might refill your glass if it's, "half empty" in their eyes, so you'll have to be quick to cover it.  Personally, I loved getting an overflowing glass of juice when I was a kid and always wondered how they could be so steady and not spill it.  So when celebrating this holiday season and practicing content vs. full, also consider filling, seeing and/or leaving your plate and glass half full vs. overfilling or seeing it as half empty.

Grateful to be your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  Reply if you're interested in 10 FB Live CW's for a Years Membership?

p.p.s.  2016 FAB #1&2 Winners RSVP Now for the EW Workout?

p.p.p.s.  Not a 2016FAB#1&2 winner.  Sign up now to train with us anyways!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.