Subject: Guest Post on cholesterol and statins. Why low cholesterol might be worse than too high cholesterol?

Happy Tuesday Friend,

I’m a big fan of searching for answers when I have a question, and a while back I was looking for information on how to help a client get better sleep, when I came across an article from  Check it out here.


Anyways, my readers, aka you, must have enjoyed the article because asked if they could write an article for my blog.  When they told me that it was about Cholesterol, I was very interested because I have an interest in cholesterol’s relationship to testosterone production, it’s affects on heart disease (I have a family history of heart disease) and I like butter, steak, coconut oil and other high saturated fat foods.


Click here to read the article, The Hidden Truths About Cholesterol and Statins by Adrienne Nicole, a writer for

It's a fast read and very interesting if you have a family history of heart disease or diabetes, if you're concerned about low levels of testosterone, if you find yourself depressed, aggressive or just plain moody or if you're taking statins for high cholesterol right now.

Go ahead and click here:

Yours changing lives,

Mike Alves