If you want to, would you please reply with the # and/or #'s and why?
Thank you,
p.s. Q2's Phase 4, Beach Season #1 and Summer Sports Ready begins on Monday, March 24!
p.p.s. We're not even into spring and I just mentioned getting beach season and summer sports ready! That's because we're proactive over here. We've been getting spring sports ready since the 6th of January, so we can hit the ground running, literally, whenever fun opportunities present themselves.
p.p.p.s If you're interested. Please reply with the # and/or #'s of the struggle that's most challenging for you and why. Thank you! :-)
1. Time Constraints. 2. Balancing Work, Family & Fitness 3. Previous Injuries & Chronic Aches 4. Staying Motivated Amidst Other Priorities 5. Desire for Tailored, Efficient Programs 6. Inconsistent or Lack of Support System 7. Need for Flexibility in Fitness Schedules 8. Maintaining Energy Levels for Both Work & Family Life 9. Struggles with Sustainable Weight Loss 10. Fear of Injury or Overtraining |