Subject: Got Stiff Hips? Do this!

Hi Friend!

Have you ever had great workout, specifically in the lower body and then found yourself sitting for a while?  

If yes, when you stood up, did you feel stiff?

If the answer is yes and you're near a wall, here are 2 simple mobility exercises for your hip that also provide some bonus mobility for your ankles.  You probably know these and have done these, but if you haven't done them in a while and/or ever, go ahead and try them out (do 8-15 reps per leg).

There's also a great activation exercise (#3) included that's also at the wall, if your hips feel good and you want to give it a shot.  It activates the psoas muscle of the hip while training the sprint mechanics of top end sprinting (full hip flexion and full hip extension).  

Give them a shot when you feel stiff and/or try them today and see what you learn.

Coach Mike

p.s.  here's the link again to the videos.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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