Subject: Goal Setting and Netflix

Hi Friend!

Happy New Year to you!  It's been a while since I've written a newsletter, so I'm going to ease back into it gradually and I hope you're o.k. with me writing you.

Do you have a subscription?
Have you ever had a subscription?
Have you ever watched Netflix?
It doesn't matter, if you have or haven't the point is do you know how tv series have episodes.  Say maybe 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 in a season.  You know how each episode has its only title, like a movie, that summarizes what the whole show is about, at least from the point of view the producers / writers / directors have chosen.  Well that's the same thing you want to do with goal setting.

Goal Setting
Vanessa calls it level 3 listening, when you can boil down everything that someone has said, when you're listening and reflecting with appreciation into the fewest sentences, phrases or words as possible.  

The same thing needs to be applied to goal setting, so its super simple.  

You can write your story of all the goals you want to achieve.  

You can write and say all you're fire burning reasons why you must achieve them.

You can list all the action steps you need to take, to make these goals happen.

You can then schedule the dates and deadlines you'll do these steps by and achieve your goals by.  

You can even imagine what it'll feel like to work the process, do each step and achieve your goals.

You can also visualize the kind of person you'll need to be and the behaviors you'll have to practice to get to feel this way during the journey and at the end.

And all this thoughtful work and planning and execution will help you get there.   

And what will help you even more is if you boil it all down to your own episode title, write it down and look at it often.  

Episode Title
That episode title, when you look at it, if you made it powerful, will light that fire under your butt, keep it lit and re-light it if you hit a set back, obstacle or hurdle.  

Take a look at your goals again and see if you can boil them down into your own Netflix title.  Then write it down and carry it with you.  

If you carry it with you, you're committed.  If you don't, well, you're less committed.  Strong words, slightly offensive, and not untrue. 

2019 is your year.  Go take it!

"I'm ready!"

Coach Mike  

p.s.  when you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you.

1.  Group Personal Training:  want a coach who cares, awesome people to train with, a results-oriented program to follow and a high energy place to get filled up, then this is for you.  Reply with "CYBBC" in the subject line when you're ready to be a guest and/or try us out.  

2.  Private Training.  Some people prefer the convenience and privacy of 1-on-1 training.  They thrive with the individualized attention and the personalized programming and know recurring appointments provide the accountability they need to guarantee their success.  I have afternoon availability on M / W / F for 1 person.  When you're ready, reply with "Private Training" in the subject line and let me know.

3.  Program Design.  Whether it's New Year, New Goals or New Year, Same Goals, either way, sometimes even the self-motivated, need a plan to help them get to where they want to go.  If you want access to a coach, yet want to train most of the time on your own and you have something specific you want to work on like a body part, a posture / injury problem, a performance goal, or a specific event (reunion, beach vacation, adventure trip or athletic competition) reply with "Program Design" in the subject line and let me know how I can help you.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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