Subject: Giving Tuesday! Upgrade the Gyms to HEPA Filters.

Hi Friend!

I hope your thankful bucket is filled up from celebrating one of the best holidays with your people. My little family got to spend 4 days with my parents and it was great for everyone.  My dad is living his life and working his way through the treatments. Some # they track through the blood is down by half which is encouraging and the recent CT scan showed no growth or movement so that's also encouraging. My dad is proud to show me he can balance on 1-leg and do push ups, while also making most every meal for us while we were there and continuing to supply plenty of jokes to keep us laughing.

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and if you've been participating in all of the holiday shopping specials you're probably a giver too. Here's another chance for you to give if you have this line item in your budget and/or open space in your heart.

The Boys & Girls Club and the Mackenzie Center, both per my request, solicited quotes to upgrade their HVAC systems to the Merv-13 HEPA filtration. They already offer outstanding climate controlled environments to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer and they both have the ability to use external air or circulating air while we exercise.

Now we have the opportunity to check the box and go a little further in gaining peace of mind by upgrading the HVAC systems with the Merv-13 HEPA Filters.

The costs are:

Boys & Girls Club $2000

Mackenzie Center $1500

GoFundMe Fees $110

Total Fundraising Goal: $3610.

If you'd like to contribute, please go here.

Thank you for considering.

Coach Mike

p.s. here's the link again.

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