Subject: First. Get There!

Hi Friend!

I guess fall is here.  Time to break out the fun fall clothes.  Today Vivi was rocking a cute plaid shirt, white sweater, denim coat, denim jeans, her Mary Janes and a white double pom, pom, wool hat. Thankfully she's super because while I was getting ready she climbed on the counter to serve herself some pumpkin bread and then was kind enough to wash the dishes in the sink.  It didn't go quite as it reads.  :-)

Gosh, I love training and training people.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, Hannibal Smith from the A-Team had it right, when he said, "I love it when a plan comes together".  I love it too as I'm sure you do as well, and there were 2 great examples that thoughtful planning was working.  

Photo Shoot
The theme for our summer quarter was Beach Season #2, Continue training for summer sports, prepare for fall sports and Peak for Fall Races.  Beach season #2 means it was a muscle definition & muscle building quarter, where we work a bit more on the show muscles.  It's also the the only quarter that has 4 phases and we use the 4th quarter to peak for fall sports and fall races.  

The way we peak our population of change makers (people who make change happen) is by tapering the dumbbell load, using short work to rest sets and focusing on anaerobic endurance.  This helps you train repeated power bursts.  It's fast, fun & energizing.  It also helps you look pretty awesome too.  During the quarter I recommended people schedule their holiday card photo shoots for the end of September as they would be peaking and looking their best.  

Well, that's what the Alves Family did and the early proofs are in and they look awesome.  We know its super early to be doing holiday card photos, but the end of the year gets real full for us, so the best way to reduce the fullness is to start early and that's what we did.  There's still lots of time too.  We scheduled a time with a friend and she took pictures.  You can do it too and if you do, definitely learn from my mistake and take out your people as everyone is all dressed up.

Week 3 - Record Week
As your starting to learn, there's a lot of thoughtfulness that goes into every thing we do and weekly theming is another.  

Week 1 is the intro week, where we teach more, coach less.  Do this, not that, do this and why we're doing it.  It's also known as the sore week because when you do new, physical things you get sore.

Week 2 is the less sore week, where we don't cover the why's, but we still demo do this, not that, do this.  So we teach less and coach more.  

Week 3 there are no formal demonstrations.  I lead you through warm ups and then we go.  This is where I love when a plan comes together.  Super awesome people like yourself, who may not have grown up with strength & conditioning (aka lifting weights and sprinting) as a regular part of their life, take their workout cards and go.  They no where to go, what to do, how to do it and how many to do.  They still need to work on their technique, because they haven't mastered it, but they go.  And it's beautiful.  

All I do is coach and correct form.  Challenge.  Paint pictures.  Set the mood to bring out each persons best.  Encourage and remind them to see what they did last workout and try to beat it this workout.  Hoo-Rah is what you say when you set a PR and it feels so good to say those words.  Hoo-Rah!  

This week there will be a lot of hoo-rah's.  Next week too.  Everyone will get stronger, faster, fitter and more enduring.  They're minds & bodies will work fast, yet they'll be calm and relaxed.  They're body will be in an anabolic state.  They'll be building muscle, burning calories and changing their shapes.  They might be hungrier, so they'll eat more to provide nourishment to sustain, recover and repair, but watch for and stop when they feel contentment.  It's always fun, but this week will be super fun.  

You should have seen the sweat on the clingy shirts and in peoples hair yesterday.  There eyes had no sign of haze.  Crystal clear & alert.  Vibrant.  It felt like a vortex, whatever that means, when we did high fives at the end of class.  It was a sea of energy and if you had a thermal image it'd be all red with waves pulsating.  

Today I imagine they woke up with a little hop in their step.  Pounded their 16 ounces of water and felt hungry.  Their metabolisms were all revved up and ready to go and if they got another workout in this morning or later today, it'll give the momentum another boost.  They'll get compounded energy and results.  Holiday Hotness & Winter Sport ready, here we come!

This email reads nice right.  You know what they did first before they experienced any of this state and life changing.  They decided.  They scheduled.  They got there.

You gotta decide to make a change.
You gotta schedule the time to work on change.
You gotta get there to make change happen.  

They did this.  First they got there.  Then they did it.  Now today's a new day and they either get to do it again or they get to prepare to do it again tomorrow while making the most of today.  

Me too.  You too.  

First get there.  Then do it.  Then prepare to do it again.  

Coach Mike

p.p.s.  RSVP's for measurements & nutrition goes out Thursday @ 1pm.  

p.p.s. if you want to sign up for a movement screen & custom corrective cardio routine, you can do it at that time.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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