Subject: Empowerment Week Plan

Hi Friend,

Happy Friday to you!

Well, we've completed 7 weeks straight to start the year. If you've been consistent you're probably on fire with momentum and feeling awesome on 1 hand and possibly wiped out from training this week on the other. If life has been happening for you lately and you haven't been as consistent as you would like to be try to be kind and forgiving to yourself and remember the old meditation mantra of "begin again". It won't always be this challenging. Keep making time for yourself when, where and how you can and one day the seas will part or you'll just be able to make them part.

Empowerment Week Plan

As mentioned above if you've been training consistently for the last 7 weeks, outside of the need to recover from this weeks training, you're possibly feeling really fantastic about your efforts to start the year and you're probably feeling a lot of momentum. Kudos to you!

Now you have to decide what's best for you for next week.

  • Keep your appointments to yourself and keep training.

  • Do recovery workouts (lower the level, lower the load and do 1 round of everything).

  • Take a day off or take the week off from strength training.

  • Do keep practicing your nutrition plan.

  • Do keep walking and hitting your cardio goal.

  • Do address the REST portion of Work + REST = Success

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 24min / workout in class and virtually.

Next week, use these rules as a guideline.

Beat Up: NO strength, 360F / 250M min of total cardio (can be weight bearing and non weight bearing) sprint intervals and non-sprint, lots of long walks or multiple chunks of short walks. Eat lean & clean.

Semi-Beat Up: 50% total strength & conditioning workout volume (instead of 20min of strength, do 10min; instead of 20min conditioning, do 10min) x 1-3 days (see workouts below), 250F/175M weight bearing cardio minutes for Weight Loss, 190F / 125M weight bearing interval conditioning minutes for Fat Loss. Eat lean & clean.

Feel Great: 1-3 days of full strength & conditioning workout routines (see workouts below), 250/175 weight bearing cardio minutes or 190F / 125M weight bearing interval conditioning minutes. Eat lean & clean.


Here are the recordings for your convenience.

Weekend Workout

The next weekend workout is scheduled for 2/26.

My idea this year was to use the last workout as the get away day for travel & recovery and use the weekend workout as the proactive, meet up preceding a new phase so we could gently get our bodies feeling good (STRETCH & sprint) while having some fun before we started a new program and you could get some face time with me and I could see how you're moving.

7 Weeks Straight

Q1, Phase 3, Feb 26 to March 17, (3on, 0 off)

Q2, Phase 4, Mar 20 to April 14, (4on, 1 off)

Every day is a new day and a chance for a fresh start. Everyone who's on a roll, listen to your body and keep going! Every who's not on a roll, be kind to yourself and take advantage of the things YOU CAN DO.

Happy living. Make it count! See you soon!


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