Subject: Empowerment Week, Athlete Life and Shout Outs!

Hi Friend,

Happy Saturday to you, and what a refreshingly cooler Saturday it is. :-) My symptoms continue to decrease. Today is day 3 with no advil. Yesterday I was able to walk for an hour, but I was wiped out after that. Someone said covid recently is like going through waves of having energy and being wiped out. That's exactly what I'm experiencing. Ride 'em when you got 'em I guess! :-)

And we just wrapped up our 8th phase of the year, which means we have 5 to go. Wow! 5 more phases to go and 5 more months to go. Tick, tock! Let's get moving!

Empowerment Week

Take a rest or keep going. The choice is there for you.

If you're feeling beat up or you feel like you need a break from training take one.

If you feel like you want to train and you also want to take a day off from training, do it.

If you feel like you want to train and/or you must train, then keep going. You'll be glad you did.

Keep it simple.


Phase 8


Use both.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 20min / workout.

If you do no strength training next week, the cardio minutes goals are:

females: 360min (~52min/day or 26min in a.m. and 26min p.m.)

males: 250min (~36min/day or 18min in a.m. and 18min in p.m.)

Athlete Life

I always tell you, you're a high performing human and that you train like an athlete. Here are some recent experiences from your peers living the athlete lifestyle.

Will S whitewater rafted or maybe brown water rafted (he said after it rains the sediment browns the water) with 16 of his family members on the Colorado River. It was his 3rd time doing it.

Liz D (back row, 2nd from Left) traveled to Tennessee to play in a soccer tournament where they made it to the semi-finals. Her coach took advantage of her athleticism and used her all over the field.

Scott T is in his 3rd summer working towards his goal to ride his bicycle across the U.S. He's in NY here.

Lucy B was looking for travel and adventure and can be seen mountaineering in the Dolomites of Italy.

Shout Outs

  • P8, W3, Perfect Attendance:  Marisa Cimino, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Julie Levin, Karna Krishna, Stephanie Bucci, William Savage, Susan McHale, Amita Vasi, Emily Snell, Vanessa Kane-Alves, Carol Vaghar, Alfredo Guerrero Ortiz and Nishaat Vasi. MMMMomentum!

  • P8, Perfect Attendance: Marisa Cimino, Mich Crowley, Madeline McNeely, Elizabeth Dean, Susan McHale and Vanessa Kane-Alves. You can't make change happen if you don't show up. You consistently made time this phase. That feels good!

  • P8, W3 Cardio Minutes: Marisa Cimino (275), Joshua Gann (450), Michelle Crowley (310), Lauren Coyne (260), Peter Kelly (500), Julie Levin (250), Karna Krishna (330), Julie Tishler (300), William Savage (180), Vanessa Kane-Alves (315), Mike Coyne (185), Scott Timmins (1579) and Lucy Barts (390). 'Tis always the season to move and you made extra time to do it! High Five!

Week 4 / Record Week #2 Challenge

If you have momentum training or another way to say it is if you trained all 3 weeks of this past phase, vs. if you were away for some of it, consider doing 1 of the following during your workouts this week:

  • do more weight, reps, level or sets / rounds

  • attempt to do the 2 set total # of reps on your 1st set (use a cluster set if necessary), then decide if you want to do more sets after that at the regularly scheduled rep range for the day.

  • do your 1st set at the scheduled rep range for the day and do your 2nd set as a "+", which means do your scheduled reps + as many additional reps after that that you can do.

Keep going! August we'll be our last intensity accumulation phase before we peak in September for fall sports and fall races.

Make it count,


p.s. here are the recordings again: Phase 8 and Stretch

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