Subject: Do you love or hate fall schedules?

or is it somewhere in between?

Hi Friend!

Happy September to you!  I imagine things are starting to pick up in your world and you're feeling the increased "energy" in your community.  I've always loved a good reason to party (and I sure had a low barrier to say back in the day) and I love the energy and excitement that changes in season bring.  

I was home for Labor Day weekend visiting with a cousin / friend and he shared that "Tuesday" was his big day.  He was going to refocus on self care by making different choices with his nutrition and making regular time to train.  He even found a good friend to be his regular workout buddy.  I was so happy for him because:

  • he set a date to start.  
  • he decided when, where and what days he was going to train
  • he found a workout partner
  • he had a training plan (at least enough of a rough draft to get started)
  • and most important, he had a reason why?  Let's just summarize it as enough is enough.  

What about you?

Are you approaching September, the close of summer and the oncoming fall as an opportunity to make a change?

Are you actively building out your return to school / end of vacation season / fall schedule? 

Is now a great time for you to make a change?  

If not now, then when?

If it is now, have you crystalized your plan by writing it down, telling someone and already starting it?

Remember, September will be busy and time of great change.  October will be quiet.  November will be quiet and then December will be very full.  

Now might be a great time for you to take action and set a course to prioritize your self-care, sharpen your focus and make change happen.  

Actively building out our fall schedule,

Coach Mike

p.s.  do you love or hate fall schedules or are you somewhere in between?

p.p.s.  are you making a self-care change this fall?  if yes, I'd love to hear about it and of course if I can help.

p.p.p.s.  September is guest month.  If you know someone who'd love what we do, they can be our guest any day this month.  Reply and let me know and/or do an email introduction to help get them started.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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