Subject: Do This, Don't Do This, DO THIS!

Great day to you, Friend!

Do This, Not That, Do This!  That's how I'm working to demonstrate exercises these days.  Simple.  Sweet.  3 reps.  

Mike Boyle, of Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning, a fellow Springfield College alum and a former mentor of my, first introduced me to this and he learned it from John Wooden, legendary Men's Basketball Coach at UCLA.  

Wooden, came up with this super simple way to demonstrate and teach his athletes how to do drills.  

Do This:  he'd demonstrate a drill.

Not This:  he'd show them what he doesn't want them to do.

Do This:  he'd demonstrate once more the proper way to do the drill.

Simple.  3 Reps.  

Boyle, came across this and it gave him a more concrete way to teach his staff and deliver his workouts in his program.  Do 3 reps.  Not 4.  Only 3.  Then use the training time to correct form.  Less time talking & demonstrating.  More time working & correcting.  A win for everybody.  

Gosh, Change Your Body Boot Camps is wrapping up year # 9 and when I reflect back to the early days, I used to have people do lower body jumping jacks, while I demonstrated because the demos were so long.  Then the demos got even longer because I was trying to teach more technicality with movements and I stopped having members move, so they could learn and not be distracted.  This was a problem.  I think Do This, Not That, Do This is helping to change the standing around big time.  More work.  Less talk.

I think, Do This, Not That, Do This is a good metaphor for life and specifically to today's email to living an active lifestyle.

Do This:  Do Something everyday to move your body, ideally break a sweat and get better.

Not This:  Don't go to bed without having done something.  

Do This:  Keep it simple.  Roll, stretch, push something, pull something, lift something, run, crawl, plank, walk, climb, squat, hinge, twist, jump, hop, sweat.  You'll be glad you did.  

So the way I see the first Do This is to schedule something so you build an active lifestyle into your life.  Most of the time, what gets scheduled, gets done!  Do This.  There are 7 days.  Plan 7 Days of Activity into your life.

Don't Do This
We introduced this with our pull up progressions during the last quarter and as of Tuesday, we're now doing it with our push up progressions as well.  Don't leave the gym until you finish 4 Sets of Pull Ups or Push Ups (depending on the workout).  Guess what happens if you get 4 sets in, track what you do and aim to set a personal record each time you do it.  You'll get better.  That's the point!  To get better.

So the way you apply this to your life is:  Don't Go To Bed Without Doing Some Movement Self-Care First.  

Stretch something, roll something, walk somewhere, take the stairs, play on the playground, do some push ups, lift something up & down, take the stairs, even pull up a youtube video.  If it's been one of those days, where you woke up, your day flew by and now you're getting ready for bed and you don't know where the day went.  

  • Do 5 squats.  
  • Plank for 20 seconds.  
  • Stretch your calves off a stair case for 30s each or your chest against a door jam for 20 seconds.  
  • Bang out a set of push ups on the floor, ottoman or sofa railing.  
  • Rest in a childs pose.  
  • Roll your back for 5-10 rolls.  
  • Do 1 set of push ups, 1 set of band pull apart, 1 set of squats and 1 set of single leg dead lifts.  
  • Do wall slides in the shower or kitchen or bedroom.  
  • Stretch your quads in the office.
  • Is your back tight?  Kneel down with your front foot elevated on the bottom step of a stair (6-12"), put your hands on your front knee and press yourself tall.  Hold for 30sec-2min.  
  • Do a youtube video.  Here's a great one, that uses your body weight, is fast, simple and fun.
Don't Let Your Day End without Some Movement Self-Care.

Do This!  

I challenge you to a game of horseshoes.  Kidding.  I challenge you to do some movement self-care before today ends.  Don't multi-task.  Do 1-thing in which you concentrate your focus and energy.  And then go about your day.  This habit, practiced, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, will help you be your best self more often.  When you're, your best self more often, good things happen and they happen in a compounded way.  This is when your identity changes to the always optimistic, positive, hopeful, happy, doer, change maker, fit person in other people's lives.  You're the good karma spreader.  And that feels good.  

Living the Active Life, One Day at A Time,

Coach Mike

p.s.  6am member, Pete, reminded me of the theme for this year.  Speed:  to get faster & quicker in all ways.  

p.p.s.  What artist or band says, "I challenge you to a game of horseshoes?"  Hmm.  I think it's Arrested Development.

p.p.p.s.  Reply or text me when you get your 1 movement self-care in before the days ends.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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