Subject: Dive into some beans: the Trick in Trick or Treat to Get Back on Track

Hi Friend,

"Dive into some beans".  What does that mean?  That's what I thought too when Will emailed me, to let me know that he found my email helpful about diving into some beans to get back on track.  

He was paraphrasing what I said, about doing something simple from the nutrition plan to get back on track when you fall off the wagon.  Duh.  I can't believe I missed that.  Well done simplifying what I said Will, to a simple phrase.  I'll do better to catch that next time.  

Dive into some bean to get back on track when you fall off the wagon or choose to enjoy life more fully a little bit too long.  

Will also gave me the gem, that Diving into some beans, is the Trick, in Trick or Treat to get back on track.  Boy my wife is going to love this email about nutrition (hi bride).  

I see both of those phrases as a metaphor for anything that seems and/or is difficult to do when you break from routine and desire to get back on it or have something that needs to get done and your starting from a dead stop with zero momentum.  

Pick 1 Thing
Just get started.  Just do it.  Pick 1 thing.  The simplest thing or the hardest thing (depending on what book your reading or who's inspiring you that day) and do it.  Eat greens to get back on track.  Eat beans.  Stick your thumb on your plate and eat a thumb of fats.  Prioritize lean proteins again.  Pound 16oz of water when you first wake up.  Drink 32 oz or more of water before you leave the house.  Cook a meal and portion some off in storage containers for later.  Do the easiest or most difficult or something in between.  Pat yourself on the back and then do it again.  

Do Something
Did you miss a workout?  That sucks.  Did you miss a lot of workouts?  That sucks more.  We both know you don't feel great and your thoughts are not rosy per your normal, so what can you do?  You could stew about it and go through a negative rehearsal or you can do something about it to get you re-started.  Stretch something.  Do a push up.  Do some body weight squats.  Lift something, 1 time, 5 times, 10 times.  Get on the floor and roll.  Go for a walk.  Run to the train.  It doesn't matter.  What matters is getting started.  Do anything to move and YOU WIN!  YOU WIN because you re-started and you kept it simple.  Now do it again.  Do it again after that and you have momentum.  

Overwhelmed vs Overloaded
Feeling overwhelmed in life?  That sucks.  Everyone has been there and nobody likes it.  What can you do?  First rephrase it to overloaded.  Why overloaded?  Well because you can de-load or unload it.  If the weights to heavy, unload it.  Make it lighter.  If the box is too full and you can't carry it.  Unload it so you can.  If your life feels overloaded, take some things off your plate.  Which things do you take off?  Well, shoot.  It doesn't matter.  Do the easiest, fastest if you want to get some quick momentum to build on.  Do the biggest & most challenging if you want to blow up the plate.  Do something in between and don't overthink it.  It doesn't matter.  Get started.  Do something.  Keep it simple.  

Remember the Trick is a Metaphor
Halloween is fun.  Most everyone enjoys it.  It's fun to dress up in costume, decorate your house, listen to different music, see the joy in childrens faces, go to parties, eat some candy and be a part of something big that everyone is going through and its good.  And if you get too far off track and you feel a pattern creating that you don't like, remember the Trick in Trick or Treat.  To dive into some beans to get back on track and remember that's a metaphor.  You can eat beans aka legumes or do something else to get back on track or back on the wagon when you lose your nutrition focus and you can apply this principle to training and to life.  

Let's peak for the holidays,

Coach Mike

p.s.  can you type?  That's pretty valuable isn't it?  Do you use it all the time, almost everyday, every month, every year?  Well, I'll soon be reopening our Nutrition Coaching Program for men & women interested in learning skills & practicing habits they can use every day, every month and every year to help them be their best self more often.  Check it out and let me know if you'd like to be on the wait list.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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