Subject: Did you see this?

Did you see this?

It's an article by NPR discussing "the lost art of bending over..." aka hip hinges.  Christine and Lisa D mentioned it to me yesterday and Lisa D forwarded me the link.  It was a pretty cool article.  I have one of Dr. Stuart McGills's books on my shelf and have seen him present a handful of times.  It basically reaffirms what we do in CYBBC and contrasts it with how non-western cultures live on a daily basis, so maybe we can re-title the article how to live like you live somewhere else, while living where you live now.  Or maybe that's too long.  :-)

Also.  Since we're on the subject of spine sparing and the art of bending, there are Only 4 days left until the Personalized Treadmill Workout.  

Personalized Treadmill Workout
9a & 11a, Sat, Mar 10 @ Gym Source, Needham St
Interval Conditioning and Corrective Strength Training
  • 50min of cardio
  • An experience
  • Fun
  • New 
  • Different
  • Cutting Edge
  • Never been taught or done before, so far as I know
  • Research based and Real World Inspired
  • Need convenience?
  • Need a full body workout?
  • Need to feel energized?
  • Need to make your body and joints feel good?
  • Need to change your mood?
  • Need to work on your posture?
  • Need a workout designed for a busy person with a body that needs more TLC?
  • Need it to be simple?
  • Need a workout that can use a treadmill, jumprope, elliptical, side walk, driveway, track, turf, stair master, step mill, versa climber or sideboard for sprints?
  • Need a workout that can use a rowing machine or bike (potential for full time cardio minutes) for sprints?
  • Need a workout that matches where you are on any given day and can scale in intensity as you warm up or feel stronger?

You can sign up here.

Hinging feels good,

Coach Mike

p.s.  here's the link again to the Hip Hinging, Spine Sparing Article

p.p.s.  here's the link to the Treadmill Workout where we'll also work to spare your spine.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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