Hi Friend!
One of the BEST parts of CYBBC is the community you chose to be a part of. The longer we're together, the more celebrations we'll share and the more hugs we'll need. It's life and just like training is part of an optimized life, sharing and caring is a part of a life well lived. We've had so many wonderful celebrations over the years and many more on the horizon, and no matter how tough some days are for you, there's always someone going through something tougher. Same happens in our community.
Being in the driver seat, I hear the stories more often of the highs and lows and share them when appropriate. Remember these 3 things:
everyone's always going through something,
when you show up to training and life, even if it's not your best effort, you win the day
and forgive yourself when you take a day(s) for yourself.
Note 1: New England Patriots, Head Coach, Bill Belichick coined "no days off", but as you'll see over the next number of years, the industry is changing and rest days, mental health days, self-care* days allow you to come back stronger. Take the rest you need (and no more) and get back to living your life.
Note 2: *Self-care is an umbrella term that you get to define, so some days it could be rest, some days beauty, other days training, and still others a simple walk. Remember again, that when you can, showing up always makes you feel better in the end and we always start off gentle.
Cardio Minutes - Week 2
23 minutes / workout
We've reached the halfway point in survey completion. Thank you for completing it if you have. I've already reviewed it and made some notes. If you haven't yet, would you please share your feedback here.
This is the last week of Phase 1.
Phase 2, starts, 1/25, with no breaks in between.
6:30pm, Tuesdays are now back in the gym.
We have commitments from Paula, Liz, Emily S, Amita and Lucy to be there every Tuesday, leaving us with 1 opening per week.
1st person to text and fill out the symptom survey on Tuesdays, gets the last spot.
6:00am, M / W / F
9:00am, M / W / F
6:30pm, M / Th
In Person
6:30pm, T @ Mackenzie Center (MC)
Workout Schedule - Week 3
a.m. ABA
p.m. BBA
No classes, Monday, January 18, 2021
Here's the 2021, P1, Zoom Recordings Folder.
Coach Mike
p.s. Cardio minutes are due tomorrow. Stay proactive!
p.p.s. please complete the year end survey now (if you're on your phone use your microphone button to answer the open ended questions).
p.p.p.s. the next guest weeks are 1/25 - 2/5.