Subject: Coaching and Empowerment Week - 8/27 through Labor Day!

Happy Monday to you Friend,

Yesterday I attended a soccer coaching course to be a 3rd assistant for Vivi's soccer Team. Crazy I know, but it was awesome and fun and a real nice way to meet new people.

A fascinating part to me was that they used a poem from my dad's college coach, Mike Berticelli.

Then the instructor, happened to be a former Wilbraham Monson Teacher and soccer coach (border town to Ludlow) who currently had some of my former classmates taking the upper levels of the coaching program.

And the final kicker. When I was going through my dad's estate, I came across his coaching certifications, which I think the class I took was one of them.

Whoa. I don't know what all of these coincidences mean or if they mean anything, but it sure was nice to think of my dad and learn more about a sport I enjoy.

Empowerment Week

This is the last one until the 2 week break at the end of the year. Certainly make it count,

Take a break or keep going. The choice is there for you.

And keep it simple. Training and exercise are fun.


Phase 9


Use both.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

Virtual: 20min / workout

In Person: 24min / workout

If you do no strength training next week, the cardio minutes goals are:

females: 360min (~52min/day or 26min in a.m. and 26min p.m.)

males: 250min (~36min/day or 18min in a.m. and 18min in p.m.)

Shout Outs

  • P9, W3, Perfect Attendance:  Marisa Cimino, Peter Kelly, Karna Krishna, Elizabeth Dean, Mimy Wang, Diane Gomez, Susan McHale, Amita Vasi, Paul Gomez, Lisa Listerman, Vanessa Kane-Alves, Carol Vaghar, Alfredo Guerrero Ortiz, Scott Timmins, Nishaat Vasi and Andra Dean. High Five for finishing the phase strong!

  • P9, Perfect Attendance: Marisa Cimino, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Karna Krishna, Elizabeth Dean, Diane Gomez, Susan McHale, Amita Vasi, Paul Gomez, Lisa Listerman, Vanessa Kane-Alves, Carol Vaghar, Alfredo Guerrero Ortiz, Nishaat Vasi and Andra Dean. You can't make change happen if you don't show up. You consistently made time this phase. That feels good! #KeepGoing!

  • P9, W2 Cardio Minutes: Marisa Cimino (275), Joshua Gann (180), Lauren Coyne (250), Peter Kelly (480), Karna Krishna (345), William Savage (210), Lisa Listerman (379), Vanessa Kane-Alves (250), Carol Vaghar (270), Alfredo Guerrero Ortiz (200), Scott Timmins (206) and Nishaat Vasi (200). You know what I know, that you know. You feel good! High Five for hitting your cardio goal. #KeepGoing!

Week 4 / Record Week #2 Challenge

This is recycled from Phase 8.

If you have momentum training or another way to say it is if you trained all 3 weeks of this past phase, vs. if you were away for some of it, consider doing 1 of the following during your workouts this week:

  • do more weight, reps, level or sets / rounds

  • attempt to do the 2 set total # of reps on your 1st set (use a cluster set if necessary), then decide if you want to do more sets after that at the regularly scheduled rep range for the day.

  • do your 1st set at the scheduled rep range for the day and do your 2nd set as a "+", which means do your scheduled reps + as many additional reps after that that you can do.

Keep going! August was our last intensity accumulation phase before we peak in September for fall sports and fall races.

Make it count,


p.s. here are the recordings again: Phase 9 and Stretch.

p.p.s. Cardio Minutes are due today. What'd you get last week?

p.p.s. September is guest month. If you know someone who'd love what we do and can do what we do, email introduce them or share this link with them so they can sign up at their convenience.

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