Subject: Choose your nutrition habit?

Good morning Friend!

I hope you're woke up feeling great and you're excited to continue pursuing the fresh start that each new day brings.  

While I'm on the subject of fresh starts, feeling great and new days, I am pleased to announce I'll be testing individualized nutrition habits for the quarter.

Nutrition Habits
Nutrition Habit: choose the simplest habit that you can practice daily with a 9/10 confidence level.
All Foods
If you eat all foods, choose a habit from this list.
1. Eat Slow & Stop @ 80% Full:  Eat Slowly and stop @ 80% Full
2. Eat protein @ every meal:  Eat protein dense foods with each meal
3. Eat veggies @ every meal:  Eat vegetables with each meal
4. Eat legumes, big 4 starches and/or fruit post exercise:  Eat some carbohydrate dense foods with most meals, especially after exercise
5. Eat health fats w/ most meals:  Eat healthy fats dense foods with most meals
6. Drink water vs calorie containing beverages:  Drink beverages with few calories and few ingredients
7. Eat whole foods vs. processed:  Eat mostly whole, minimally processed foods
8. Plan & prepare ahead:  Plan ahead and prepare food in advance
9. Eat variety of good foods:  Eat as wide a variety of good foods as possible
10. Plan to splurge:  Plan to break the rules 10% of the time
Plant Based
If you eat mostly plants, choose a habit from this list.
1. Listen for hunger & fullness cues:  Listen to your body. Eat when hungry. Stop when satisfied.
2. Eat high protein foods @ most meals:  Eat a higher protein food with most meals.
3. Eat veggies & fruits @ every meal:  Eat vegetables and/or fruit with each meal.
4. Whole grains <25% of meal except post exercise:  Whole grains should make up less than 25% of meals, except after exercise.
5. Eat healthy fats each day:  Emphasize healthy fats from whole foods each day.
6. Drink water vs calorie containing beverages:  Drink beverages with few calories except non-dairy milks.
7. Eat mostly whole foods and supplement as needed:  Eat mostly whole foods but don’t be afraid of supplements
8. Plan & prepare in advance:  Plan ahead and prepare meals in advance
9. Build in variety.  Eat a variety of foods each week.
10. Don’t be a teacher’s pet:  remember to splurge 10% of time.
Quarter 1:  Nutrition Habit
This quarter we'll test 1 habit per phase.  Every day you'll practice the habit you chose, a habit that you have a 9 out of 10 confidence level that you'll be able to do.  Every day you'll ask yourself if you practiced the habit yesterday and ideally you'll track your answer (yes or no) on your calendar, planner, smart phone, and/or workout card, however, we'll use the workout card as our default.  

Please reply with questions, comments and/or feedback.  If it's successful (e.g. you're doing it 90% of the time and making progress towards you're 2017 goals, we'll keep doing it).

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s. renewals are coming, please be ready to respond to get the 2017 FAB's!

p.p.s.  please complete the survey if you haven't done it yet:
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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