Subject: Case Study: Custom Corrective Cardio (C3)

Hi Friend!

Yesterday I delivered a new Custom Corrective Cardio (C3) program to a client.  It was the 2nd one for this person.  The 1st time the program had a rotary stability emphasis, which means the program emphasized improving the clients ability to resist rotation when on all fours.  It also had a major emphasis on managing and reducing the occurrences of hip pain in life and during exercise.  

We took a very conservative approach with the program.  Instead of challenging the client in the workout (huh?), we chose to make the challenge being able to recover from the workout so the next workout could happen.  We aimed for big picture.  The ability to finish all of the workouts and the faith in knowing that if all the workouts get finished, the client will have habitually addressed the asymmetries that were unique to their person.  There was no crushing of the client.

At the end of the program, we re-measured body composition results and the functional movement screen.  The client held steady with body composition results (not worse or better) and improved by 1 point on the movement screen and not on the rotatary stability test, but rather the push up (there are 7 movements in the screen).  The best score you can receive on each movement is a 3.

1.  Deep Squat
2.  Hurdle Step
3.  In Line Lunge
4.  Shoulder Mobility
5.  Active Straight Leg Raise
6.  Trunk Stability Push Up
7.  Rotary Stability

Scoring the FMS
0.  Pain
1.  Can't do movement
2.  Can do movement, but not perfectly.
3.  Can do movement perfectly.

Those results aren't that exciting, but if you remember that the client was having "pain" and this pain affected attendance and compliance, then finishing a program within the suggested time frame (12 weeks), means the client showed up and got it done.  The client also went from conservative 7mph runs on a treadmill for 15sec, to now being able to run 8.2-8.4 mph for 20sec on a treadmill.  Plus manual muscle testing of the affected hip areas showed full strength bilaterally for the first time since tracking, so that's another win.  As another bonus, the clients assisted chin ups progressed from 3 with a 1" band on the foot, to 10 with a 1" band on the foot, so that's a 300%+ improvement.  Progress is happening and even though some metrics haven't showed it, there are other subjective and objective measurements that are.

We're still in the very early stages and we have to take each day and workout day by day so we don't have a set back, but I am excited for my client and looking forward to seeing what happens in the next 4-12 weeks.  

Slow and steady, 

Coach Mike

p.s.  if you need help and support with your training and butt kicking, reply and let me know.

p.p.s.  if you know someone who would be a good fit for what we do, please do an email introduction. 

p.p.p.s.  I'm grateful you choose to read.  Burn & Earn!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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