Subject: Cardio Minutes and New Zoom Link!

Hi Friend,

Welcome back!

This is a short & quick email.

Cardio Minutes

What'd you get for cardio minutes and what'd you do for strength workouts the last 2 weeks?

(copy & paste the text below, when you reply)

week of 12/19 to 12/25: ____min; ____strength

week of 12/26 to 01/01: ____min; ____strength

Zoom Link

We're simplifying from 3 links to 1 link, based on a suggestion from Pete. The passcode stays per request from members and because I publicly share the link on the website google calendar.

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

P1 Overview

If you haven't read it yet, here you go!

That's it for now. See you soon.

Make it count,


p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes and strength workouts: copy & paste the below with your reply.

week of 12/19 to 12/25: ____min; ____strength

week of 12/26 to 01/01: ____min; ____strength

p.p.s. when do I see you next?

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

p.p.p.s. you can find the workout cards, zoom folders and everything else here.

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