Subject: Cardio Minutes, Weeks Ahead, Guest Days & Head of the Charles!

Hi Friend,

It's going to be 78 degrees here today, which feels pretty amazing for a mid-October, New England Day. The leave colors are popping, so if you want to go for a scenic drive, consider route 2 and if you go by Devens, say hi!

P11, Week 4

This is our last week of the phase. It sure has gone fast. We're looking to accumulate has much volume, strength & hypertrophy as we can before progressing to phase 12, beginning Monday. Volume (weight x sets x reps) is kind of like the lingering tiredness you might feel as we raise your foundation and increase your work capacity. Strength is your getting stronger with the new movements of the quarter. Hypertrophy is the pump your muscles are feeling as you get better conditioned to handle more stress and load.

Next phase the volume begins to decrease as we also decrease the reps, so you can progress to use more weight and/or do higher levels. You may take longer rests between exercises, which is normal and totally o.k. You may get fewer sets & rounds on strong days because you may need more rest and you may do more sets and rounds on light and fast days because you need less rest and because you're doing fewer reps. As the volume decreases you'll start to recover from the previous phase and you may feel a little more energy (or maybe less tired and wiped out), while around the same time you may experience more "hints" of exhilaration (wink) and more "essences" of invigoration (wink) because it may feel thrilling to do higher loads and skill levels.

Phase 12 Schedule

P11, Week 4 Schedule

It's a regular schedule!

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

P11, Week 4 Loading Schedule

a.m. S, L&F, L&F

p.m. S, S, L&F

S=Strong (25-45% BW), L&F = Light & Fast (15-35% BW)

P11, Week 4 Workout Schedule

a.m. B#5, A#6, B#6

p.m. B#5, A#5, B#6

Upcoming Guest Days

P12, Week 1, 11/28 to 12/1

P12, Week 2, 12/4 to 12/8

P12, Thanksgiving Day Workout, 8:30-10am.

Here's the guest waiver form. You can email introduce them and/or share the VIG (very important guest) link.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 26min / workout (52 for 2-days and 78 for 3-days).

If you didn't report your minutes yesterday, please reply now with what you did.

Wearing shorts and ready to make this beautiful day count,


p.s. what'd you get for cardio minutes last week?

p.p.s. are you around and available to join for the Annual Thanksgiving Day Workout?

p.p.p.s. remember Mich? She stopped BC to pursue a lifelong bucket list goal of rowing on the Head of the Charles Regatta. She did it! She was in the "Stroke Seat", the first person facing the Coxswain, in which everyone has to keep her pace. (photo shared with permission by Mich).

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