Subject: Cardio Minutes & Weekend Workouts

Hi Friend and Happy Last Tuesday of 2021 to you!

How are you feeling? How has your time away from BC been?

The Alves are getting settled. I think we've gotten rid of all the boxes that need to be opened & sorted and we're on the home stretch to making a strong foundation to leap from and a comfortable space to retreat to.

Cardio Minutes

We did 28min/workout for week 3 & 4, plus you get 28min/recording. Please copy, paste & reply with any minutes you need to share to update your data.

wk3: 12/06-12/12 =

wk4: 12/13-12/19 =

ew1: 12/20-12/26 =

Weekend Workout

One of the founding parts of Change Your Body Boot Camps was measuring & testing before and after phases and quarters. As research, interest and things evolve, we'll evolve too. I'd like to keep 1 day per month for us to get together whether that be 1-on-1 in small units of time like measurements or with larger groups and more common blocks of time.

I think key purposes of this meet up are to:

  • gather members from all class times

  • use our training to do cool things

  • recover from training

  • have fun

  • grow, build and connect relationships

  • move outside of structure

  • play

  • exercise

  • track progress through can do's

  • compete?

I'm going to put "WW", which stands for "Weekend Workout" on our 2022 training calendar. I'll leave it open ended and maybe continue with Saturday Stretches for the time being and at any point, change it to something that will attract the most participation.

Now is there anything you'd like to do specifically?

Reply and let me know.

2022 Training Schedule is coming soon. We return to training on Monday, January 3, 2022.

See you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes the last few weeks (28min/workout)? Copy, Paste and Reply now.

wk3: 12/06-12/12 =

wk4: 12/13-12/19 =

ew1: 12/20-12/26 =

p.p.s. What would you like to do specifically for a weekend workout?

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