Hi Friend,
Happy Friday!
We had a real strong finish for those who were able to be here. Those who were traveling, I hope you're batteries and joy buckets are getting recharged and you're making memories and creating stories you'll be able to share when you get back.
Cardio Minutes - Week 3
We did the following minutes:
M: 22
T/Th: 26
W/F: 19
The reason for the differences are:
Mondays: lower body circuit (all cardio)
T / Th: MB's & Hurdle circuits, plus conditioning circuits count as all cardio
Wednesdays & Fridays: upper body and core circuits, don't count as cardio; they're solely muscle building.
Weekend Workout - Stretch & Sprint
7:30-8:30am, Sun, 6/30 @ MC*
*I have confirmed we are a go for Sunday morning.
Carol has invited us over for breakfast afterwards.
Please RSVP as soon as possible so Carol and I can both plan. Either text me or reply to this email.
Phase 8, Week 1 Schedule (P8, W1)
6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual
9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual
6:30pm, M / T @ MC**; no Th b/c of 4th of July Holiday
**I have confirmed we are a go for Monday night.
Cheers and wishing you 10 hours of rest in bed.
Make it count,
p.s. please RSVP for Sunday so Carol can shop and I can imagine who I'm going to help get more awesome.