Subject: Cardio Minutes, Shout Outs & RSVP's!

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Hi Friend!

Was that a good finish to your phase or what?  I sure hope so and definitely reply now and let me know if it wasn't a good phase, so I can fix it asap.  I hope you feel like you have mmmmmommmennttuuum to your year and self-care goals.  Next phase we ramp up a little bit more.   Until then here's cardio minutes, shout outs and chances to get better by RSVP'ing.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
We got 26 minutes per workout and 78 for 3 days.  Please add that to your @ home minutes and report on Monday.

Shout Outs!
  • Week 2 Cardio Goals!  High Five to Marisa Cimino (350), Walter Piescik (215), Peter Kelly (352), Sean Crowley (925), Melissa Mullen (284), Michaela Millot (288), Marc Steinberg (357), Ricardo Abech (212), Emily Pardo (257), Mimy Wang (252), Diane Gomez (260) and Eric Getkin (150) for hitting their respective cardio goals!  If you want to see the scale go down, it makes it easier and almost ensures it, if you hit your cardio goal.
  • P1, Week 3 Perfect Attendance (Didn't miss a workout):  Alicia Straus, Marisa Cimino, Dana Dornbusch (+1), Walter Piescik, Ceci Dunn, Jim Pelis, Christine Murphy, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Julie Levin, Madeline McNeely, Lisa Listerman, Anne Marie Dunne, Melissa Mullen (+1), Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Julie Tishler, Lucy Barts (+1), Christine Kern, Marc Steinberg, William Savage, Elizabeth Dean, Ricardo Abech, Emily Pardo, Sarah Preis, Mimy Wang, Diane Gomez, Susan McHale and Eric Getkin!  High Five for a great week.  Regroup, recover and set yourself up to do it again next week.  Those that missed a workout this week, life happens.  Check with me and try to make it up next week or the week after.  Remember the evening schedule is opposite the morning schedule (e.g. workout A, B, A on M / W / F in the mornings, and workout B, A, B on M / T / Th in the evenings), making it possible and safe, to get 4 strength workouts in a week.
  • P1, Perfect Attendance ("I don't miss workouts!"):  Alicia Straus, Marisa Cimino, Dana Dornbusch, Ceci Dunn, Christine Murphy, Joshua Gann, Peter Kelly, Julie Levin, Lisa Listerman, Anne Marie Dunne, Melissa Mullen (+1), Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Julie Tishler, Lucy Barts, Christine Kern, Marc Steinberg, Ricardo Abech, Emily Pardo, Mimy Wang, Diane Gomez, Susan McHale and Eric Getkin.  You can't make change happen if you don't show up.  You didn't miss any workouts.  You showed up.  High Five and well done.  Rest up, have fun and set yourself up for a successful Monday.  Those who didn't get perfect attendance this time. You can make it up if you check in with me, but what's more important is that you set yourself up to hit your first workout next week.  All workouts must be scheduled, unbreakable appointments for you to WIN.  You don't miss workouts.  You have an untouchable appointment with a VIP.  
  • P1, Week 3, Kick A** Weigh Ins!  High five to Christine Murphy, Joshua Gann, Michelle Crowley, Michaela Millot, Karna Krishna, Emily Pardo, Mimy Wang, Diane Gomez and Eric Getkin for beating their last kick a** weigh in on record.  They're stats and data.  Don't get too high for seeing your name here and don't get too low for not seeing your name here.  Keep working your nutrition plan, your cardio plan and showing up.  Every week, day, every meal, every moment is a fresh start and new chance to get better.  Capture it!
  • Lucy Barts for not only making all her appointments this week, which is big deal for her, but she even made up a missed workout.  Yay for you!  :-)
  • Nelson Aquino for getting in 5 workouts this week, while being in Tokyo!  High Five!  You traveled and still made time for you!
  • Amita Vasi, Sarah Preis, Ozge Getkin and Emily Pardo for getting in both evening and morning workouts this week, while having little one's at home.  It's hard to be working moms and make time to exercise, but then to find time to train at your non-normal workout times and find childcare coverage, so you can keep your momentum going gets a tip of the cap and admiration from me.  High Five and Well done!  I'm proud of you.  Keep going!
  • Susan McHale for doing extra work outside of class to accelerate your progress in class.  These are great signs for you.  You are absolutely taking action.  High Five!  Keep going.
  • High Five to our rookies, Susan McHale, Eric Getkin and Amita Vasi for finishing your first phase.  You did it!  Now do it again and a little bit better.  
  • Team Getkin, Ozge and Eric.  Like Dana and Walter and Mich and Sean,  it takes a little more communication, planning and compromises to be able to get your self care in, when you're coming from under the same roof.  Regardless, you're doing it.  I don't know if it gets easier or not, but it gets a bit more normal and the quality of your health and life, will improve as time goes by.  High Five!  Keep going! 
  • Marc Steinberg, Peter Kelly, Ricardo Abech, Julie Tishler, Melissa Mullen and Diane Gomez for standing out to me with your chin ups effort today.  High Five!

Private Measurements 
7-9a, Sat, Jan 27 @ MC
5min appointment
RSVP Now to track your progress!

Custom Corrective Cardio (C3)
7-9a, Sat, Jan 27 @ MC
Block off 5 consecutive time slots.
RSVP Now to get a custom plan to do @ home!
Nutrition Discussion
1:30-2:45p, Sat, Jan 27 @ MC
Please print and bring the nutrition workbook.
RSVP Now to get your nutrition on point so you can fast track your change!
That's all for today, Friend!

I hope you have a great weekend and see you soon.

Burn & Earn!


p.s.  RSVP for PM's and C3 Now if you're here and want to track your progress!

p.p.s.  RSVP for the ND Now if you want help with your nutrition!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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