Subject: Cardio Minutes & Shout Outs!

Great day to you Friend!

I hope your Monday is starting off strong and you're ready for an awesome week.  Today I woke up and the DOMS hit me.  DOMS if you haven't heard or don't remember is Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness.  Saturday was the Carson Beach Workout and Will, Pete and Ricardo were able to make it and when I realized who showed up (men) and had an understanding of what they could do (most everything) I modified the workout on the spot and turned up the notch on our All-American Beach Workout.  

It's been a long time since I targeted beach muscles with such intent and volume and I was pretty crushed afterwards.  Vivi's naptime became a family naptime and I was definitely in an anabolic state (muscle building) as I was and have been ferociously hungry all weekend.  In fact I've been super hungry all week, which is a reminder that (1) the volume from this phase is working and is muscle building and (2) I need to be mindful of what, when & how much I eat so I can increase my lean mass, decrease my fat mass and keep my body weight the same or less.  It's o.k. for me to eat more because I'm burning more, but I still want to pay attention to hunger & fullness cues so I don't overeat (my nutrition habit this phase is eat slowly & stop @ 80% full).

Anyways, great workout with great guys in a great location and a super fun way to start the day and weekend.  Also, Ricardo ran 7-8 miles afterwards, so that tells you the state of his 2017 lifestyle and body transformation.  Well done buddy!  

Will, Sierra (his dog) and I, jogged over to the outdoor gym equipment on the Harbor Walk in front of the Harbor Walk apartments after the workout and did 1 circuit of the 8 stations there, though we were both pretty tapped by that point.  

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      21               21                21               63
9:00am      21               21                21               63
6:30pm      21               21                21               63
Minutes are due today!
Some people, who's names won't be named, are slacking. You wanted accountability when you signed up, well minutes are due EVERY Monday, whether I email or not or ask you in class or not. You've got 7 days to hit your cardio goal. It's not my cardio goal. It's yours, based on the goals you told me were important to you. 

Don't like what you see on the scale or in the mirror. 
Don't like how your clothes fit or how stairs feel when you climb them or how your energy is? 

Start making time for you!  Prioritize, schedule and execute your workouts. Use the dates we have like Minutes Mondays, Kick A** Weigh In Thursdays & Fridays and Private Measurements to motivate you and hold you accountable.

Do you have new goals?
Do you want to revise your plan?
Do you need a pep talk?

Great!  Let's schedule a call and come up with a new plan.

Shout Outs!
  • to Alicia S, Marisa C, Christine M, Joshua G, Peter K, Amy F, Julie L, Lisa L, Anne Marie D, Michaela M, Julie T, Stephanie B, Marc S, William S, Elizabeth D, Kim D, Ozge G, Nelson A and Emily P for having perfect attendance for week 1 of Phase 9. You showed up! High Five!
  • to Alicia S, Marisa C, Julie L, Sean C, Lisa L, Anne Marie D, Michaela M, Karna K, Julie T, Stephanie B, Elizabeth D, Kim D and Nelson A for hitting your week 3 cardio goals!  Well done on your planning and execution!
  • to Marisa C, Julie L, Lisa L, Michaela M, Stephanie B, Ricardo A, David B and Emily P for hitting your empowerment week cardio minute goal!  You set yourself up for a great P9, Week 1.
  • to Christine M (1), Julie L (2), Marc S (2), Elizabeth D (3) and Emily P (1) for completing Challenge Workouts.  Hoo-Rah!  When you're reflecting on why you're making progress, remember that you scheduled and did your CW's, which compounded and accelerated everything you're doing in class. Well done!
  • to Joshua G, Anne Marie D, Marc S, Ozge G, Nelson A and Emily P for beating your kick a** weight in.  Little moments added together build momentum.  Can you do it again this week?
  • to Marc S for putting on 4 lbs. of lean mass and decreasing your BF% by 1.3% over the last 2 phases.
  • to Nelson A for lowering his BP, body weight (4.1 lbs.), BF% (2.3%), fat mass (5.23 lbs) and hip circumference (1.5"), while gaining 1.13lbs of lean mass in your 1st month of tracking results.
  • to Ozge G for lowering your Blood Pressure, heart rate, body weight (12.4 lbs), body fat % (5.6%), fat mass (13.01 lbs), waist inches (2.69") and hip inches (2.56"), while putting on 0.61 lbs of lean mass in your 1st 2 phases.  Well done.  I know it's been real challenging to follow your whole plan, but its very clear that the lifestyle changes you're making are working.  High Five!
  • to Ricardo A for continuing your 2017 lifestyle transformation world tour.  You said, when you set your mind to something you do it, and you are delivering.  Wow!  Buy stock in Ricardo ASAP!  You've dropped a pant size, lost 41.6 scale pounds, 10.2 % BF, 28.15 lbs. of fat mass, 5.875" waist inches and 3.9375" from you hips since the start of 2017.  Well done Ricardo.  If you're able to hit your goal this phase, we'll start your next progression.  
  • to Stephanie B for decreasing 0.75" from your hips in the last phase.
  • to Theresa N for losing 24 lbs of fat mass, 4.9% BF, 3.375" waist inches, and 5.625" hip inches in the last 4.5 months with us.  Keep up the good work and we'll see you next summer!
  • to Will S for putting on 11.22 lbs of lean mass and decreasing your BF% by 1.9% in the last 14.5 months with us while making a big career change and adding a new member to the family.  High Five!
  • to Anne Marie D for losing 4% BF and 6.96 lbs. of fat mass while earning 6.16 lbs of lean mass in the last 6 months.  That's a 13.12 total pound change and average pace of 0.5 lb. body mass transformation each week.  It's not easy to decrease fat mass, or increase lean mass and when you can do both at the same time that's a big win for you and you can see that with your BF% result.  Every time you read the book, The Tortoise and the Hare, the Tortoise always wins.  If you keep working to get better, this bodes real well for your 2nd half of the year.  
  • to David B for losing 13.4 scale lbs., 7.5% BF, 22.56 lbs. of fat mass, 2.8125" waist inches and 1.8125" hip inches while gaining 9.16 lbs of lean mass in your 4.5 months with us.  Keep going David.  You're doing it!
  • to Pete K for inviting your fellow 6am peers to your summer BBQ.  The Alves family had a great time visiting with your family, you and the CYBBC members in attendance, Ricardo, Will, Christine M, Alicia S and Lisa D.  Me loves Blue Ribbon BBQ!
  • Lisa D, great to see you again.  Not looking forward to summer ending, but I am looking forward to your training regular again.  
  • to Julie L for getting in 2 CW's, 2 personal training workouts and hitting your cardio goal while training and traveling abroad with your daughter.  That's how you make change happen, Burn & Earn and have fun at the same!
  • Madeline M I'm sorry about the passing of your dad.  He reads like someone who lived a full life and I'm glad you were able to be there for his last few days.
  • Mich & Sean C for running the Charleston, SC bridge.  That sounds pretty cool!
  • to Paula P for hiking 15miles of trails on Mt. Tremblant, Canada and biking 42 miles as well.  Reads like a great and active family vacation.  
  • to Karna for taking action on our work + rest = success discussion!
  • to Julie T for your amazing family adventure in Canada.  Hiking, kayaking, swimming and more.  It looked like so much fun.  Good for you!
  • congrats Elizabeth D on your wedding anniversary!
  • congrats Kim D on getting married and priming your wedding weekend with a workout!  Yay for Josh & you!
  • to Nelson A for progressing to 3 hand stand push ups!  Pretty great start for 2 phases.
  • to Emily P for feeling more solid, finding a gym to train in on vacation and standing out in today's workout!
  • to all our August Birthdays:  Amy F, Julie T and Nelson A!  Summer birthdays are so fun.  Especially the parties.  Happy birthday to you!

Scheduled Fun Run Dates!

Harvard Stadium Run
7:30-9:30a, Sun, Sept 10, 2017

Fenway Spartan Sprint Training
8 Week Program, $449
Mon, Sept 11 - Sun, Nov 5
Ricardo and Kim D have expressed interest. Anyone else interested?

Blue Hills Hike
8-10am, Sat, Oct 14, 2017

Fenway Spartan Sprint 
Sunday, Nov 5, 2017

Cold Spring Park
7:30-9a, Sat, Dec 2, 2017 

Boston's A-List!
Every year, WGBH now runs a popularity contest for Best Boot Camp and Best Personal Trainer.  Last year we got 2nd and 5th place respectively  Would you please vote for CYBBC and me again?  It looks like I need more than 200 votes to compete for 1st place, so your vote would be real helpful!

Every day is a new day, so let's make this a great week for you!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  what'd you do for minutes last week?  Reply now for accountability!

p.p.s.  did you schedule the Fun Runs on your calendar?

p.p.p.s.  would you please vote now for CYBBC as Best Boot Camp and me as Best Personal Trainer?   Thank you!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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