Subject: Cardio Minutes, Saturday Stretch, Empowerment Week, oh My!

Hi Friend!

Happy Friday to you! Woo! And that was 6 weeks straight to jump start the year. AWESOME! How do you feel compared to how you felt after the new year?

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 23min / workout last week.

Empowerment Week

Next Week there are no virtual or in person classes. Remember work + rest = success, so sometimes we build in empowerment weeks, where you get to choose what you do (active rest or continue the workout card).

Next week is Winter Break for Newton Public Schools, so we have no formal training. Most people aren't going anywhere and they're lives will remain status quo, so if it's a regular week for you, #KEEPTRAINING! If you need a break, follow the unloading philosophy I presented here.


P2, Recordings

Unlike the youtube challenge workouts, I've shared in the years past, these workouts you see me demonstrate, hear me coaching and hear the banter. People that enjoyed the CW's, love these. People that didn't like the CW's recordings, like these better. If you haven't tried one, give it a shot.

Tip: pick a workout you trained at to hear me coaching you.

Saturday Stretch

7:30-9am, Sat, Feb 13, 2021

7:30-8am, Advanced Foam Rolling

8-9am, Static Stretch

Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079

Passcode: gumby


2/13, Sa, Saturday Stretch

2/14-2/21, P2 Empowerment Week

(P3+P4 = 8 weeks straight)

2/22-3/20, P3 (4 weeks)

3/17, W, No Classes, Evacuation Day

3/18, Th, No Classes, Mike Birthday

3/20, Sa, Saturday Stretch

3/22-6/5, Q2 (P4,5&6)

3/22-4/17, P4 (4 weeks)

4/18-4/25, P4 Empowerment Week (NPS Spring Break)

(P5+P6+P7 = 9 weeks straight)

Guest Week

If you know someone who'd love what we do, please email introduce her/him or let 'em know you think they'd love CYBBC if they tried it (and why) and send invite 'em to be a guest.

Valentine's Day

Aww. Sweet Valentine's Day. Hallmark holiday or not, I love it. I like the built in pauses and reminders on the calendar to let your special people know their special to you. My godson's birthday is this day, so I'll get to see him and my parents / sisters (my Wmass Pod), while also recognizing my two loves at home.

It's also the weekend (today) of Alfredo's (6am), 10th Wedding Anniversary, so woot, woot to them! That's special!

And it's Mike C's birthday on Monday, so happy birthday to you Mike!


Only a few people left to share feedback on 2020 training, your goals and what you love about CYBBC and what would make it even better.

Would you please share your feedback here?

Actively living in the moments AND working towards the future, together with you,

Coach Mike

p.s. hope to see you tomorrow!

Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079

Passcode: gumby

p.p.s. #keepgoing. Use the recordings at your regular training time.

p.p.p.s. minutes are due Monday (22/workout)

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